Trevor cried as he got down, hands and knees on the floor to 'look' for his tiny nephew but there wasn't a sign of him left and even if there was, he knew deep down that ryan would be too small for him to even 'see', so the older canine after crying his heart
Adult, Adult_dom, Adultdom, Barefoot, Barepaw, Canine, Canines, Claws, Cock, Cub, Cub_snuff, Cubs, Cubsnuff, Cubsub, Cum, Cum Flood, Cum_floods, Cumflood, Cumfloods, Death, Death by cock, Death by penis, Death_by_dick, Deathbycock, Deathbydick, Deathbypenis, Destruction, Dick, Doberman, Dobermann, Document, Dom_adult, Domadult, Dudes, Enlarging, Extreme, Extreme Size Difference, Extreme_cub, Extreme_shrinking, Extremesizedifference, Feet, Feet fetish, Feetbarefoot, Feetfetish, Feetfoot, Feetpaw, Feetpaws, Feettoes, Foot, Footpaw, Giga macro, Gigamacro, Gigantic, Grew, Growth, Incest, Incestuous, Macro, Macrophilia, Male, Males, Man, Mega macro, Megamacro, Men, Micro, Microphilia, Microscopic, Nephew, Paw, Pawbarepawed, Paws, Pedophilia, Penis, Pup, Sex, Sexual, Sexual_destruction, Shrink, Shrinking, Shrunk, Size, Size Difference, Size_layer, Size_layers, Size_snuff, Sizedifference, Sizelayer, Sizelayers, Small, Snuff, Story, Sub, Subbing, Subcub, Submissive, Submissive_cub, Teeny, Teleiophilia, Terra, Terra_macro, Terramacro, To, Too big to fit, TooBig, Toobigtofit, Toosmall, Trauma, Traumatising, Uncle, Zenobius, barepawed, big, claw, cruel, crush, crushed, crushing, difference, dude, enlarge, enlarged, enormous, fit, footpaws, giga, grow, growing, guy, guys, huge, manly, mega, nano, orphanage, pedo, shrunken, squish, squished, squishing, stomp, stomped, stomping, tiny, toe, toes, too, too big, too small, written, wrong