A United Territory

As with all of the gatomon species, unless they had been genetically altered which has been known to happen in this universe it was a female.

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Sparks Will Fly

The anthros quickly went to work on spreading genetically altered seeds, using methods that would spread vast numbers of seeds across great areas.

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Project X | Chapter X: Archangel

I still felt warm while cold air rushed past my body, which was a good bonus from being genetically altered.

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Sex R&D part 5 - The Return Phase

Lilly felt her panties straining against her arousal, her clitoris swelling into it's genetically altered shape. she tried thinking of something else, but the pressure was making it worse.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 3: The Cold Hard Truth

Most neo-humans were originally vat grown, genetically altered humans made for the simple purpose of being super soldiers, but after the genetic accord the process was opened up to be available for any parent that wanted a child born to custom specifications

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Virility Plague 1

The year was 2112 and a new type of industry was starting to comeinto maturity, biological augmentation and genetic alterations on sentient beings had just been legalized by most major powers with no small amount of controversy.

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Some Vore Porn With a Muscle-Wolf: Dawn (1)

altered to mimic certain jellyfish, was flagrantly fondling the ass of the lovely woman behind him, when a five-nine wolf wearing seventeen wooden bracelets and a simple coating of chestnut brown fur fought his way between the cream-and-burgundy curtains

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The Gravity of Gains, Chapter 1: Part 1- The Collar

His rather wide frame even made him a bit imposing if he weren't being compared to the genetically altered bodyguards on either side of sheba. he smiled and spoke with a warm tone "amberson, smokey. how've you two been?"

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BWS: Pt.2

I'm knee-deep in a plot to gain world-power, and you're essentially a genetically altered warrior-slave. no offense." with a sigh, she leans onto the railing, just as you do. "none taken. it's the truth.


Pathologizing the Daxy

We have done enough research of genetic similarity, ethnic conflict and group selection to know that genetically dissimilar species cannot live along side each other unless they have been genetically altered to live along side each other.

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