The Planetarium Visit [Gift] for Spihanor
Spihanor asked, tilting his head as they made a right turn and continued down the hall, passing by more large rooms with the same decorations as before, with the only change being the climate area the dragon came from.
Diapered College Fox
His mom made a beeline down the main hall, passing the various doors leading to the other rooms and headed straight into the bathroom. the bathroom's cold tiled floor chilled his bare feet as he was forced to stand there in his shame.
Jonestown Tea, Spooky Cake
The bull terrier said shrugging as the two walked out of the room and down the hall, passing the other kids rooms. the two where staying at the far end of the second floor of the girl's dorms.
Regret Chapter 8
The two mercenaries raced up the hall, passed the door to the bunks and around the next intersection. as she rounded the corner, fox was behind her shooting his weapon over his shoulder. he kept shouting for her to run.
Side Effects May Include
The dragon shrugged and walked down the hall, passing doors. each was a simple white door with a panel next to it that you had to press to open the door, which gave the place a very futuristic look to it.
Critical Fail
The hall passed by in a blur, the wolf lost in the desperate thoughts that jockeyed for attention in his drug-addled brain. there was no more intravenous at least, he thought, though he wondered what he could hope to accomplish in his current state.
Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 30
Down the steps, through the empty hall, passed the weary lantern light, he found her by the bar, nursing a tankard, a look of pride across her fair face. front and center was a pile of coins, the gold glinting wonderfully in the firelight.
Feldspar: Part Two
Rubbing his face with his paw matt sluggishly moved himself to the bathroom down the hall, passing one of the spare rooms on his way. casting a peak through the open door, matt once again was taken back by how cluttered the place was.
Lykos 2-02 - Back to Basics
Udo all but sprinted down the hall, passing their room from the previous year before coming to stop at their new destination. he slipped the key into the lock and felt the teeth tickle the tumblers.
Meeting Warryn
As you're guided through the hall, passing doors left and right, it occurs to you that you've become rather content with the fact that a naked alligator is rolling you around on a morphing silicone bondage chair while his member is on constant display for
The Tutor: Chapter 10
They'd all offered up something into the prize pile: cash; hall passes that were both real and forged' trinkets of little value except they were fashionable at the time; and, best of all, a weeklong study pass that could get one out of a class
Ashley's Apple
Ashton had quickly asked to be excused, taking the hall pass and hurrying to the bathroom stall where he locked the door, sat down, and cried. he was scared and confused, and he felt terrible.