Chapter 5: Recovery is a Long Road
She stood up a little quickly and gave ashlan a half smile, nodding a bit, "okay, boss wolf. uh...mind if i stop by after work to check on him?" ashlan grinned a bit and nodded some before leading sam to the door.
Chapter 8 - Showdown in Downtown! The Legend of the Fire Dragon and the Worthy Blacksmith! (Part 3)
Before the boss wolf knew it, his two bodyguards were down and michael grabbed the two guns. with a smile, he quickly melted them in his glowing red hands, which made everyone gasp in awe.
Honey Cake
boss wolf's voice rang through the door. "lord shen, you have a visitor." he frowned. who in the world could that be. hopefully not more of the troublesome kung fu council. "who is it?" he grumbled at being interrupted during his private time.
Shen's Captives
"here it is, boss!" wolf said, racing in with the pot full of a special aphrodisiac. the effects were strong and supposedly perfect, keeping one perfectly obedient and subservient.
Season and Spice #3
She was the big boss wolf and she would normally check her messages whenever and wherever she pleased, but today she was feeling sheepish about it given the context of the day's affairs. the text was from matt.
Dragon's Awakening
With only a few seconds of thought to whether it was smart or idiotic, she angled herself toward the boss wolf, planning to land right on top of it. so distracted was the beast that it did not see her darting in from its side.
When Tomorrow Comes Act I, Chapter 3
"alright boss-wolf," cyrus questioned as the advanced into the camp, "we're inside. what now?" seth looked around, and ordered, "torches. over there. what's a faster way to cause mischief and mayhem than setting shit on fire?"
The Half Moon Tribe: The Four Moons
"me too, boss wolf. show me whatcha got." he flipped his card over, revealing the king. my eyes widened a bit and i growled, touching my card and flipping it over. i revealed my hand; i had seventeen and arch had 20. i sighed. "you cheated!"
Wolf's Recruit
But wolf was the boss, wolf was everything to lars in a universe where his father was dead and his boyfriend was a liar and a thief, and he agreed to the change of plans without incident.
Darwin`s Legacy 19 - The End of Time: Part II
"yeah, you tell him boss wolf." the big doberman that had first introduced them to darwin came over and slapped roark on the back. roark did not budge, or even sway at the impact, which made crusher frown momentarily.
15 - Deceptions
He led us to another of de silva's cadillacs, as the boss wolf seemed to have one for each day of the year, and shooed off the street bums that were drooling over it.