"Only a Mere Dog" (Originally Written 6/21) [Re-Written 7/4]

I wanted the treatment of this possible murderer very harsh because, that is how i envision being a prisoner would be like. very degrading. i wanted the guard to comment on her race a lot because, he feels superior, as a human.

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Steamy Desire

His lips brushed against her ear, his breathing was very harsh but he nipped it between his teeth rubbing her clit rapidly. he held her tightly to his body pounding her vigorously, using his teeth to stroke over her earing tugging it sensually.

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Eight

"that could get ugly," o'flannigan said, "the mob tends to look very harshly on these street gangs stepping into their bailiwick."

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That Gay Goth Dog: CHapter 18: The Battle to be Normal: part 4

Though many, many, many, nights ago did i lose my pack to a very harsh storm. ice and hail raining down over woods, sized of a human's fist. i remember watching my family die, in front of me.

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Kayla: The Guilty Party

This was very harsh, and with the way kayla was squirming and crying, this was absolutely humiliating. mrs.

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The Jock and the Fat Cat ch. 3

The little voice on the other end of the line became angry and apparently said something very harsh. "you think i'm not bummed about this?" kyle asked. "you think i'd rather stay at home in bed than go to prom?"

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Just another story

The night was a very harsh and cold one. the two lay together inside the small tent. shadow was pressed tightly against yomi's chest. yomi was still awake looking at the sleeping human.

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Her story was very harsh on her, being one of the last few from her homeland.

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The Army Marches

That's a very harsh word to use,' i broke into a smile, displaying razor sharp teeth. 'compared to what i do to those who don't submit.' i ran my claws through the fur covering my chair.

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Story of Clyde and Addison - Chapter 5

He had managed to diffuse the arousal a few minutes ago by distracting his mind with very harsh criticisms over the '_cutting edge'_ routines of various celebrities. _really--people, these are nothing special. why do they make such a big deal about it?

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Love between a Student and a Master

But you were very harsh with you training practices." gaia reminisced. "shenron what are you trying to tell me?" gaia asked. "gaia what i'm trying to say is that.... i have deep feelings for you.." shenron confessed.

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