The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 4.5

An Agumon Expert narrates before a chalk board, slowly guiding the reader through various figures. "Hi! Dreamous's Fire Bar Digimon Universe has several unique details that can make the stories quite confusing. It's rather similar to what is...

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The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 4

Puck and Zed stared to the new opening, waiting. A loud thud-thump-slap sounded out. Then another. The footfalls of something very large. A green snout tip and black horns poked into the room. Another loud step brought a head, the horns showing to be...

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The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 3

Puck and Zed waited atop a trolley platform. It was in one of the wilder areas of the digital world, a fragmented space. A trolley platform and rails, for about fifteen feet. A single trolley rested at the station, clearly unmoved for quite some time....

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The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 2

Flamedramon's feet moved off the rookies, onto the floor. Standing over the two, Flamedramon's shaft towered perpendicular to his body, dripping pre down onto Puck. Flamedramon squatted down, grabbing Puck around the shoulders and lifting them...

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The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 1

Flamedramon looked past the bar, out of the large doorways, out to the outdoor sitting and beyond. The day had hit that point of orange and gold splendor cascading through the trees. Warm, soft shadows danced over the outdoor seating area, and the...

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Loving a Dragon (Flamedramon Day 2020)

Veemon teased at his plate with the chopsticks in his hand. After a moment of consideration, he dug in for another bite of pork cutlet. He dabbed it in Tonkatsu sauce, popped it into his muzzle, and chewed. He eyed at a barbeque rib, considering it...

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 5

Flamedramon stretched upward, estimating Digitamamon would probably want to do an hour more of service. They couldn't close too late, with their guest bed being rented tonight. It would be best if Flamedramon cleaned up and helped out for the rest of...

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 4

Flamedramon's eyes widened. He couldn't suppress a look of shock as cold blue eyes met his own. A chill ran up Flamedramon's spine, tickling at the base of his skull. He had always delighted in his digivolution to Flamedramon. How people adored them,...

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 3

Once Flamedramon was inside he knew he only had a few minutes. He quickly wiped the saliva and slit fluids from his groin, cleaned his muzzle tip, and popped a breath mint. One moment to take a deep breath, let it out, and he headed out to the bar...

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 2

Flamedramon walked past the rolling garage doors, leaving them to be opened when Digitamamon was ready. Instead, Flamedramon exited out a side door, letting it shut behind him. Peeking around the corner, he spotted an adorable Goblimon with a postal...

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