Sea Breeze Health

They switched partners at some point, trying to experience the different combinations between them, in the end settling on the coupling that had kept them most occupied.

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talking with tramp

.** **now lets switch partners boomer says while stroking his cock keeping him self hard just like the others. great idea smoky says feeling excited.** **the females see the dogs change places wanting a little more action before they pay up.

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Knightly Duties Part 5

They switched partners, garrin going with qorra and aldon finding himself in the hands of his king. aldon was admittedly nervous that kadou was going to be rough with him the same way kadou was rough with garrin, but it was anything but.

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Hasani 3

"shall we switch partners" finally said albert, "i kind of want to taste some wolf" two hours later, they were back at the meeting room, several pictures and files were scattered all over the table.

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New Horizons - Streetwalker's Break pt 3

On occasion, the group would gather, sometimes switching partners, or having one not attending due to schedule conflicts. this led up to their wedding, at the year mark post proposal.

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 15

The drakkaren then called out for them to switch partners, and they started again as the reptile looked around at them happily, before frowning as he heard a loud, angry yell.

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Rogue Sword - Ch 7: It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity

We can switch partners for an old-style tango battle, where each dancer strives to continue until they have exhausted their partner. it is called 'la danza de la pequeña muerte'.

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Pj and Pete chapter 15

Tarn for a full five hours both of them switching partners every time they came. by the end of it all i ended up laying there on the floor tired and covered in cum while they shared a congratulatory drink of whisky.

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Exotic Pets & Companions, Inc., Jack V-24

Then we switched partners as there were other pets to say "hello" to and get to know. my next partner was a very well endowed ram.

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New Horizons - Streetwalker's Break pt 3

On occasion, the group would gather, sometimes switching partners, or having one not attending due to schedule conflicts. this led up to their wedding, at the year mark post proposal.

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scifisummer far flung space fling

Everyone soon switched partners and panted as they fucked their new partners and some double penetrating each other in pleasure.

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The First Presents are the Best!

"you two want to switch partners with us two?" she called out to them. it took a bit, before evona and her buck were done, but the zebra and reindeer, after coming down from the pleasured high, walked over, nodding in agreement.

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