Fick Mich Bitte

He thrusted in roughly, to show charly that he was a lot rougher than the hell hound that now had the demon between his jaws. charly cried out and whimpered softly, biting hir lower lip hard. vincent gave a few slow thrusts, lubing up his phallus nicely.

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First Pokemon Fiction

The shouting of the human increased, along with another bone-chilling howl from the hell-hound pursuing him, and he stopped for a moment, turning around in the direction he had come.

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In the Lap of Luxury

To be perhaps the most well-groomed hell-hound alive, to have everything one could ever want. it certainly sounds enticing. and to him, it was. it was his life, and he took none of it for granted. there was just one... rather obnoxious caveat.

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QCP: NS-06 The Time of Night

When lightfang took you to the time displaced realm to train you in your abilities, we simply say that a hell hound who had an accident there ended up inside your body which enabled you to ace your lessons all the more easily.

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 17

"even stranger still," he smirked, "a little bird told me that a hell hound of mine had gone and cried her eye's out at the occasion, professing her love to a human." this got alex's attention. "wait she loves me?" he blurted out without even thinking.

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Rant's Journey... and stuff

"you have to watch your temper, anything could force you into hell hound form if you're not careful." he warned, looking back out the window.

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 6

"and next to him is his hell hound." loona rolled her eye's. "i'm not just his hell hound." she quipped as blitz gave her a hug. "that's right, she's my daughter."

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Scooby and formula BIH

He's been dressing up like a demonic hellhound master and commands his pack of hell hounds to attack them."

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Just another Dog Chapter 1

They bore witness to what we could do, they saw my kind shift into our beastly forms and dubbed us hell hounds, dogs for the slaughter, dangerous savage and rabid.

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Top Dog

Thain is my good boy/hell hound and he's an absolute pleasure to write about. if you enjoyed the story please leave a comment! thanks to dark violet for allowing me to use sinister!

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Eraquest-Rest and 'Relaxation'

#3 of eraquest the heroes woke up in town after their rough encounter with hell hounds. they must find a way to get stronger to get their forms back, after they take a day to rest and recover from their ordeal.

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