#71 of Pokemon
A commission for TheFabulousMrCracker, this piece is about my new waifu, Cassidy the Thiccphlosion Typhlosion putting her considerable assets to work on her bandmate before a show. Because I mean, you gotta make sure people are gonna love your new nipple piercings, right?
No, really, Cass is my new waifu now and I love her. <:3c
I am genuinely remorseful about this title. :3
Writing (C) me
Cassidy and cover art (C) TheFabulousMrCracker
Typhlosion, Growlithe and Pokemon (C) Nintendo
Just let me do the talking, said fresh-faced but sharp-eyed Ben. Trust me, all you gotta do is sit there. And wear that really low-cut top.
It was no secret that Cass helped her band - the Fire Stones - score the gig by being hot. The other band mates were convinced she had fucked the manager, but she hadn't. It turned out he was married and faithful on top of it, but he understood his club's demographic. A well-proportioned Typhlosion girl with a penchant for low-cut shirts would be a very big draw.
The singer agreed as readily as the club's owner that her tits would be popular, and that was why she had been gone for the three hours leading up to the show. Texts from her band mates asking where the hell she was were answered with "be there soon" and "this is gonna be awesome just trust me." When Cassidy did finally show up again in the band's grimy changing room, she announced: "Check this out! This is gonna drive people nuts!"
Save Ben and now the Typhlosion, the small room was empty. Ben, known occasionally and playfully as Dear Benjamin to his band mates after a long-winded text from his mother was seen by them, looked up from tuning his guitar. The Growlithe was merely nineteen years old, the baby of the band by far, yet he was unfazed by the odd and animalistic behavior he saw at their shows. Cass was his closest friend, one of the few people who could draw a smile out of him just by being present, and he shot her one now. "What've you got?" he asked amicably.
Cass seemed not to hear him. She frowned, hands shooting to her hips. "Where're Jamie and Ramona? The show's in like twenty minutes."
"Drinking," Ben said, and shrugged. "You know Ramona, she likes to do that fire-belch thing when she's drumming."
"Oh yeah," the Typhlosion said, and started giggling. She crossed the nasty room in two strides and plopped heavily on the couch, making it groan under her thick, not quite fat body. "And you-u-u are the baby as usual, no drinks for poor Ben."
The Growlithe snickered. "I don't like the taste of beer anyway." He nodded at her. "What's your new thing, then? You gonna get us chased out of another club?"
"That was an accident," she said defensively, but she couldn't stop the indulgent smile which was spreading across her face. "How was I supposed to know I could actually blow flames? It's not like anybody died."
Ben smiled patiently. He looked wise past his years, and the effect always gave Cassidy pause, if only for a moment. "What's the new thing? What'd you wanna show me?"
The Typhlosion grinned. She never looked mischievous when she grinned; instead there was an earnest, girly quality to it which made her incredibly cute instead. "Right! Check these babies out!" she announced, jumping out of the couch. She wheeled on Ben and yanked her tank up without a moment of hesitation. The fat, yellow hemispheres of her tits bounced out from under the restrictive fabric, and Ben stared at them, briefly rendered a helpless teenager by the sight of naked boobs. "What do you think?" she asked, tugging her necklace - a shiny symbol of a burning flame - out of her cleavage.
"Well," Ben murmured, holding his guitar before his groin as if it were a textbook. "Nice tits as usual."
"Thanks! But no, these," Cass emphasized, fingering the silver barbells in her nipples. "I had these done right after we got booked. Like 'em?"
Ben wondered why he hadn't noticed something so obvious on tits he saw so often. He leaned forward thoughtfully, setting his battered guitar against the armrest of the couch and pursing his legs. "Oh, ye-e-eah. Really nice, babe."
She grinned even wider for him, exulted by his approval. "I thought they'd look awesome," she explained as she tugged down her tank. Watching her put in the effort to get it over her boobs was like watching someone try to close an overstuffed suitcase. The band as a whole didn't have much money for anything, and they made sacrifices so everyone could eat, but everybody in the band believed Cass kept wearing her too-small, beer-stained clothes because it further accentuated her already generous figure. "I'm gonna flash the crowd. Maybe they'll be like those sneakers and sparkle when people take pictures of them."
Enraptured in Cassidy's attempts at decency, the Growlithe didn't comprehend what she was saying. He only murmured a stock reply: "Yeah, tell me about it."
Cass stopped pulling the tank top and left it stuck halfway across her breasts, creasing their middle. "Somethin' on your mind, Dear Benjamin?"
The nickname snapped him out of it. He looked at her coy face and leaned back on the couch, crossing his legs casually. "Oh, no. Nah."
Cassidy had been the one who encouraged Ben to practice when he was younger, had vouched for his talent and uncanny business sense when the band was just coming together, and had also taken his virginity not long after their first set. That had been only a year ago, but in that time, she had figured out most of his nuances. She also knew that it didn't take a psychologist to see that he had tits on the brain.
"Oh, don't gimme that crap," she laughed, pulling the tank back up. She let it rest uselessly above her jugs like a bib. It looked hopelessly small compared to her breasts. "Whip it out, baby. Always seems like you play better after you bust a nut anyway."
The Growlithe smiled wanly. A hint of blush appeared on his cheeks and he unfolded his legs, baring the fair tent in his jeans. "Think so? Or is that just-?"
"An excuse to play with your dick?" Cassidy suggested, falling to her knees with a bump. "It is a mystery!" She added cryptically as she grabbed his groin with her eager fingers, "And I'll never tell." Her kneading fingers made him huff and grind. She bit her lip; he clenched his teeth. "Damn, it's hard tonight. Guess someone sure loves the barbells."
"They look good on you," Ben said, folding his arms behind his head. "I didn't think you could make those tits look any nicer, but you found a way."
The Typhlosion tugged down Ben's zipper, twisting and wiggling it to negotiate the lump of his hard-on. The button was a cinch by comparison, made even easier by the wallowed-out button hole on his old, ratty jeans. "They had some cool dick piercings too," she chirped, pulling apart the flaps of denim. Ben's penis bulged obscenely in his briefs and a smear of precum darkened a spot of the fabric to a gray shade.
"Not a chance," the Growlithe said firmly. "'Sides, I don't think you want to suck on metal, do you?"
Cass pushed her nose into his tented briefs, pinning the fabric in. She had never been much of a whore for scent, and was rather a girl who liked to be tactile. She dragged her tongue up the shaft, smearing saliva into the cotton, and then smooched the head with a croon, feeling resplendent in her work. "Mmm, I dunno, could be fun! But maybe not." She shrugged and gained a rare grin. "I know you want to suck on these," she leaned back and tweaked the barbells, giving them a little torque inwards and making herself shudder in the process. "So maybe I wouldn't mind as much as you think if you had something like that. Might look cool!"
"I repeat," Ben said, grinning. "Not a chance."
"Well that's no fun!" the Typhlosion said, laughing and yanking down Ben's bottoms. She left his jeans around his ankles, briefs somewhere around his knees, and scooted so close that she was nearly in his lap. His pink, uncircumcised penis glinted in the light coming through the grubby windows from the club floor, and then it was gone, stuffed between Cassidy's considerable tits, bringing to mind a hotdog in a greatly oversized bun. That's a lot of extra bread, Cass thought, making herself chuckle.
Ben gnawed his jowly lip and leaned far back, letting his head hang over the couch. "Gawd," he cooed. "That's the good stuff."
Cass canted her short snout down and smooched the head of Ben's cock, which jutted through the top of her cleavage cutely. It was partly obscured by her tank top, yet she managed to kiss most of it. A bead of precum was her reward, and she dragged her tongue along it with a low growl in her throat. A second bead emerged from the throbbing, pink glans, but Cass ignored that one. She pushed her breasts in with her biceps, her hands on the couch for support. Titfucking was never exactly easy, but Cassidy went for it with the same energy she reserved for singing: full blast, no breaks, going at it either until it was over or somebody wound up in the back of an ambulance.
She moved with her arms and her knees, pushing herself into the lucky Growlithe's lap. His cock slipped deep into her dark, warm cleavage and popped back out again, and again, and again. The pre smeared through the Typhlosion's cleavage, slowly but reliably making her boobs slick, and the motions got easier for Cass - and that meant going faster.
"C'mon, Ben, come o-o-on," she purred, not sounding terribly urgent. "You gonna cum for me like last time? Make my chin all gross?"
"God, yeah," the young Growlithe bleated. "Shit, Cass, you're so good with those things..." He gyrated awkwardly, lifting himself off the couch with no real sense of timing, but Cass didn't have any rhythm either. She just had that irrepressible energy of hers and the bubbliness to make it shine.
Just like Ben's briefs, Cassidy's top now had a thick smear of precum in it. She was aware that one of her favorite tops was soon to be baby battered, but just like when she tended to bump the amp over or trip on the cords when she was deep into a show, she just kept going with everything she had. Cleanup came after a performance, not during.
"Ooh, yeah, it's so damn hot, I can feel that thing getting ready to pop!" Cassidy said gleefully. She was blushing, getting wet. "You're gonna cum, I know it..."
Ben grimaced, splaying down his ears as if in shame. He clawed the ragged seat, then found Cassidy's hands and held them tightly in his paws. "I-I'm gonna-, I'm-, yeah," he muttered in a strained little voice. "Oh, fuck me..."
The Growlithe was never one for an immodest climax. He shuddered as he came, his breathing shallow and sharp, matching with the little convulsions in his lithe body. His cum gushed through the Typhlosion's cleavage mid-grind and when Cass came down, she stayed there so that Ben's throbbing cock oozed into the red tank top now resting on it like a napkin laid over unfinished food.
As Ben sank into both the couch and his afterglow, panting and cooing as he did, Cassidy palmed her pierced breasts in a moment of indulgence. Again she tilted down her snout and took a lap across his covered cockhead, surrounded by a darkened circle of her little red top. She lapped across the head, reprising her tease when Ben was still in his briefs, and his spunk oozed through the fabric. Her blush deepened, smile cracking wider. It wasn't the taste of it she enjoyed so much as the fact that she had caused it to be there, and that it meant Dear Benjamin had dearly enjoyed himself. She sucked her tongue clean, then asked sweetly, "Already, huh?"
"You're good," the Growlithe said, as if that excused everything. Cassidy thought it did.
"'Kay," she said with a giggle, peeling her top off altogether. She stroked down his slim chest and along his belly hungrily. "Your turn."
Before the Growlithe's warm, half-lidded eyes, Cassidy shimmied out of her jeans with a little more grace than her party-girl antics would lead anybody to believe. In just her too-tight red panties with an immediately obvious smear of wetness in their enviable loins, she fell back into the armchair and kicked a spume of dust from under it. Flopped back with her chubby legs splayed invitingly, Cass purred, "Come along, Dear Benjamin."
Ben cracked a smile. It was never hard to crack one around Cassidy even before the tits came out to play. He was almost on top of her before he even bothered to shake off his jeans. His briefs, still around his knees, stayed put. "Betcha as soon as I get your panties off, Ramona and Jamie are gonna walk through that door."
The Typhlosion beckoned him closer and he gave her just what she wanted, putting his paws on the armrests and his face near hers. Their lips met with casual ease, but the depth of the kiss was lurid. Tongues swabbed, saliva mixed, and Cass clutched Ben's flaccid penis gently.
"Mmm. Hey. Little Ben's out of commission for at least an hour," said the Growlithe. "Just lemme taste you, girl."
Cassidy faked a pout and pushed herself far back into the chair, almost kicking out its footrest. "Aw, fi-i-ine. One taste, then you're gonna screw me."
The Growlithe laughed. Even if his demeanor was serious to the point of sourness sometimes, his laughter could still be boyish when he found something particularly funny. "Wishful thinking there, Cass. That's like you saying we could be signed without even making a demo tape first."
Excitement quickened Cassidy's breaths as her Dear Benjamin tugged down her panties, baring taut cuntlips wet with their own lust. She was so damp that her panties turned inside-out and clung to her, requiring a little extra effort to loosen from her body. "Well, I mean," she smiled, "I bet we could've gotten signed if you let me show 'em my boobs or something."
Ben fell to his knees, bumping the floor just as Cass had. He smiled patronizingly to her, his chin an inch from her crotch. "Now, as much as I wanna say your titties can't solve everything," he slopped his long doggy tongue across her snatchlips, shaking a coo from her, "I'd be lying about that. They can make pretty much anything better."
Cassidy was never given to smugness, but she could be coy. She folded her arms behind her head, her chubby body an open display to the Growlithe, whom lapped and slobbered across her muff with the same lack-of-technique as a dog eating ice cream from a bowl. "They sure are pre-e-etty awesome, huh? I bet you could use me like a flotation device!"
A playful, lewd growl rose in Ben's throat and he mashed his teeth into her crotch, giving her pussy a little gnaw, scraping tender flesh and thin fur merely enough to arouse the nerves. He felt up her pleasantly overweight body, glancing across her cuddly belly only to grope her breasts. They were overlarge for his paws, fitting as well as a pair of coconuts, but they were malleable and plush. Her barbells added a delightfully fun new texture, and like always, just getting to fondle a pair of tits - let alone those belonging to Cass - was a good time as far as Ben was concerned. He suckled the entirety of her snatch, not making much of a seal and not trying very hard at it. His slobbery, thick tongue was hardly fine enough for delicate cunnilingus, but Cass never minded it. She bucked and moaned for him anyway.
"You're making me wet as hell," Cass said helpfully, smiling down at the Growlithe with a dreamy look in her eyes. "Might even make me squirt... I dunno! Just keep doing it."
Ben's fluffy tail wagged. He closed his jaws, scraping the badger's cuntlips until they tingled with pleasure never bordering on pain. Her toes curled and she gasped for him, suddenly laying her hands across his paws. She coaxed him to squeeze her tits, and he did. "God. Yeah, Ben, that's it... you can get a lil' rough!"
Rough could be fun. It could even be great sometimes, and Ben knew the badger's thick tits could handle it. But he was stiff again, throbbing even, that hour-long estimate wonderfully wrong like it usually was whenever Cassidy and her titties were involved. When her tasty box was added into that equation, Ben felt like he could do the impossible and go twice without a break in-between, but that was always wishful thinking. Yet there he was with a hard-on and a mouthful of Cass, and he thought an eager boner was a foolish thing to waste.
Cass didn't ask what Ben was doing when he started to straighten up. She saw his cock and a big smile spread across her face. It was the same expression she got when she found an unexpected extra hamburger at the bottom of the bag. "Oh, you gonna fuck me after all?" she asked, her tone not in the least admonishing. Rather, she welcomed him into the chair, wrapping her arms around Dear Benjamin's neck while he guided himself in. He entered her easily, his size nothing new to her, yet it still brought her pause and pleasure. She peppered smooches on his muzzle.
"Yeah, I guess so," Ben said unnecessarily, halfway inside of her. "You, uh-? You cool like this?"
"What, in the chair?" The Typhlosion giggled. "Yeah, sure, if you can manage it."
Being skinny had its benefits. Ben moved against the chubby girl with ease, gyrating and grinding with the kind of smoothness which the fat were often jealous of. He was so graceful and careful that it wasn't so much fucking as it was a lovemaking session, and the kisses Cass pressed on him only added to the association. She partook of his younger, skinnier body hungrily, giving back the warmth and pleasure her plump size had to offer, although her love for him never went beyond the camaraderie of close friends in a traveling band.
As he moved against her, slipping in and out of her with his usual care, Ben found the room to clutch one of her breasts. Not simply cupping it, this time he thumbed her nipple and left her shivering with delight. Their present kiss broke off and she said, giggling meekly, "God, Ben, you're good tonight. Really pulling out all the stops for me. I gotta get my tits pierced more often."
"Just feeling really fucking good tonight," Ben said, and his body language was the muscle behind the claim. Cass was hot as an oven inside, and in fact it wasn't much of an exaggeration; she was a fire Pokemon and had the anatomy to go with it. Even her kiss was almost smoldering, but Ben shared her element. There was no such thing as too hot, and her warm, wet grip on his cock was merely a pleasant heat to add to the intimacy. "You think it's cool if I bust it inside you?"
"Um, yeah," Cass murmured, closing her eyes. She was smiling dreamily. "Mmm, gosh. You're an animal. Let's hope you're half as good on stage tonight."
Ben shocked the Typhlosion with a bite on the neck. A squeak as full of pleasure as surprise croaked from her mouth and she squeezed the Growlithe in tight, pinning his smooth chest to her sticky tits. Her necklace was pinned against her chest and his own. "Ooh, ye-e-eah, you're good," she huffed, chubby legs parting wide, contracting, twisting. Her toes curled and splayed in a slow, symmetrical dance. "Gawd... gonna cum, baby, you're good as fuck right now."
"Mmh, mmhmm," Ben grumbled around her neck. He gnawed, slobbered, and released her just so he could push a kiss on her, his sticky jowls mashing into her softer lips. He moved with less grace, more speed, urgently pumping the plump badger. Sticky sounds, wet and almost hypnotic in their nearly constant rhythm, cut the stale air of the dressing room. The band on stage still shook the building now and then, vibrating the chair the couple occupied, but Cass and Ben were only dimly aware of the noise.
The Growlithe was always quiet when he came, but Cass rarely was. It was just another part of her jubilant nature to yowl and hoot and cheer when she managed to squirt, an extension of the fun and surprisingly competent stage presence she had going on. "Damn, ooh shit," she said, and what started as even speech became a whimper near the end. She pecked at Ben's face, smooching wherever she could. "God, you're gonna get me there, I'm right there, babe!"
"Good, yeah, that's damn good," Ben uttered, feeling that tightness in his balls and the awkward, almost painful twinge that came with a too-soon second climax. He soldiered on, pounding Cass so that chubby, furry flesh jiggled and her pussy could tug and grope at him with all its slick flesh in those deepest pumps. He listened to the Typhlosion's yowls and gasps, thinking to himself thank god that crappy band's so loud.
"Yeah! Ooh, yeah!" Cassidy shrieked, grinning hugely, full of teeth. She stared dreamily upward, eyes rolled back so she saw the crescent blurs of her own sockets. It seemed like every muscle in her body tensed, causing her to think if only briefly of marble statues locked in thoughtful poses before her thoughts fell back to Dear Benjamin and the solid work he was doing. She slid her paws up and down his body, greedily fondling his sweaty back, mussing his fur into whorls and swirls with her fingers. "Christ, Ben, oh my gawd," she whimpered, totally blissful and still the big fun girl even in climax. She cried out as she came, squirting not much, but with great potency down the Growlithe's cockshaft. Her clamping muff encouraged him to park in and stay for a little while, and past a few more bucks he did exactly that, burying it in her with such finality that he could only grunt as if completing some great labor.
Ben grunted a second time, cumming deep into Cassidy with much satisfaction. He nuzzled her firmly, at first shoving her short snout away before she began nuzzling back. He lapped at her lips needfully and she parted them, welcoming a slobbery kiss, passionate yet short. When it broke and the slobber gleamed on their lips like glittery balm, she allowed herself a giggle.
"Shit, Ben, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to walk now. Gonna need a wheelchair or something just to get to the stage."
"Ah... hey, you'll live," said Dear Benjamin, and the breathless tone coupled with his deadpan face made Cassidy shriek with laughter. "Now where are the others? I think we're due in like..." He worked himself loose from Cass, keeping himself buried in her, however. He saw the clock hanging crookedly on the wall and said sheepishly, "Uh, ten minutes ago."
Cass licked her lips. "That other band's still playing. So, um," she adjusted her breasts pointedly and fixed him with a smile, "ya' up for thirds?"