You can't hide from The Shine
She felt whole for the first time in her entire life, and she knew this bliss needed to be shared with \*everyone\*.
His breathing was also quickening, and with every abrupt wrench of bliss he could not help but bellow a masculine cry.
Warm Temptation
Her cries of bliss echoed throughout the greenhouse while she twisted and writhed, unleashing a torrent of lust across her perch.
Flames of Lust
Right now, she was just readying herself for another blissful rutting with him again.
Fallen Servants Chapter 1: Fallen Captain
For pure bliss, her eyes now fully reflecting kaa's with her mouth stuck in a wide grin.
Rise of the Serpent Queen Chapter 5: Midnight Seductions
Spike could barely hear the last words as he felt himself slipping into blissful slumber.
Inflatable and Dateable
That faraway, blissful expression which pre-empted martha reaching the apex of her own bliss as she watched him do the same.
First Love pt 5
His love to me was just pure, and bliss to me.
The Reindeer Round-Up (A Jeeves Prompt, Posted with Permission)
Claus' pussy while the female polar bear snarled and huffed and spasmed violently in her own orgasmic bliss beneath the reindeer's rutting.
What Time They Have
Playfully, tenderly they spread their wings and wrapped them around one another until it was as though they were writhing around in bliss beneath the covers of a bed, hidden away from the world in the darkness with one another's moaning, panting and blissful
Silver Slut Bus
To the endless bliss and pleasure the silver is providing.
My Birthday Toy [Birthday Story]
Light whimpered in bliss as he wiggled his hips, shaking his ass on his brother, helping add to the pleasure of his grinding.