My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 13
"you never get to see two strong vortexes side by side like this!" she said. her daughter nodded. "they are dancing around each is that even possible?" she asked. her mother grinned.
Hitting the Big Time - Commission for anubiis_werewolf
There was also the array of sinewy muscles that had sprouted across her limbs and trunk. from remarkably athletic she had turned into a small bodybuilder. most outlandish of it all was the swell of her breasts.
Dragon Gym Daddies Pt 2
And based on what he had seen and experienced since his first visit, the only thing the muscular dragons that frequented the gym took more seriously was the other opportunity offered within these walls - sex with as many buff, horny (no pun intended) dragons
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 17
Zoe smirked evilly, and she started to pump up her muscles without transforming. todd's jaw dropped starting at a body that would put any bodybuilder to shame. "this is a technique called embellishment.
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 19
"so, how's your muscle spasms?" he asked. she let off a heavy frustrated sigh. "they just won't leave me feels like something is scratching at me to let it get out!"
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 16
"zoe's muscles aren't as huge compared to yours..." she said before toby interrupted. "my muscles aren't that big! zoe's been weight training a lot more than i do" he muttered modestly. "your biceps are bigger than watermelons, toby!"
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 15
"you're so strong..." she said as she craftily slid her hand over his pectorals feeling how defined they were even underneath both coats of fur. "wow, have you been working out, big bad?" she asked in an alluring tone. he chuckled to himself.
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 14
"i think you're muscles getting even bigger. whatever zoe's making you do is clearly working out" she said with a light purr. he growled deeply as he proudly puffed out his chest.
Muscle Mice From Mars
His legs packed muscle upon muscle that threatened to rip out of his now super tight pajama bottoms. "whoa! talk about a pick me up!
Swole Spider - Commission for Umbreonhyper
Each muscle, from those beared against his skin to the most minute ones buried within, began to expand.
I try to keep the front up and seem strong. zaragoyle smiles softly with closed lips and offers his oversized paw as an offer to shake my hand. "i'm not that stupid.. just stay well behaved until i get off work..."
Helluva Workout - Commission for anubiis_werewolf
From head to toe she was bulging with shredded muscle that seemed ready to rip through her fur and clothes every time she moved. each individual muscle and fiber stood out from the ones next to it.