The Pendants Ch.2-Let's Experiment
Holly expected her laughter to be something similar to that of a mad woman's but it was instead the laugh of someone who was thoroughly amused. her laugh was actually quite contagious and she found herself laughing alongside karisa.
Dismal Days
The male bartender was laughing with a couple of customers while making drinks. to the far right was an area with pool tables that people and some bipedals were shooting at, mostly with their owners but a couple with their own species.
The World and Onward
**One month later.** **~** Julie sat in the passenger seat of Anna's jeep one afternoon, driving through Central Castelia. She looked out the window at the general city bustle, her cheek resting against the panel. Anna glanced at her and stopped...
Train to Saffron
She walked through the entrance and looked around at pokémon standing in groups under dim lighting, talking and sharing laughter with drinks. on the other side of the room were candlelit tables that others dined at before a vacant stage.
Setting Sail
Julie looked out the rolled-down passenger seat window early one evening while the vehicle's radio ran ads, scanning passing vehicles, moving buildings, and busy sidewalks that increased exponentially as they neared Castelia Central. She held Midnight...
A Different Kind of Job
Her laughter brought a warmth to koval's heart. was it love? infatuation? or perhaps her joy was simply contagious. whatever it was, it made koval's climax so much better.
Kesho and Ava
After about half a dozen drinks a piece they decide to take a walk together in the moonlight, they go down the beach talking like old friends and laughing together as the water laps at the shoreline.
Global Warming - Commission for Flamesofsorrow
Mane-iac was hysterical now, and all the remaining henchponies laughed with her. "and last! do you intend to "punch" the energy away?! fools!
Ember's Tribe Part IV: Quenching
_Thick in the air is the scent of a stag. Ember follows the vaguely nutty scent of musk, clutching his spear tight. The dry, cracked leather wrapped around the shaft softly creaks._ _The slightest rustle will startle a deer, but Ember has trained with...
Rebirth Day
Endless enthusiastic buzzing full of laughter and bubbly energy danced in the atmosphere. high above were lugia and ho-oh kites carried under the winds while pokémon such as pidgeot and fearow avoided the obstacles-- including the news helicopters.
Ease & Bonding
Julie rubbed her face with a damp washcloth over the restroom sink early the next morning, finishing her routine. She wore socks, pajama pants, and a tee. She hung the cloth up to dry and grabbed her antis, opening the bottle and shaking a pill into...
Warmth in Reunion
Alyssa giggled, letting tears run with julie's, and julie giggled with her, a fit of laughter, tears, and hugs that lasted close to a minute. julie pulled her in again and shut her eyes, resting her chin atop alyssa's head.