An Honest Day's Mistake | Entree Size Commission
Bouncing forward with each hot thrust, saki's moans turned to sharp gasps as he quickened his pace, using her like a living sex toy as he edged closer and closer to orgasm.
Touring Farrah
Their show was over, and all the interested eyes had begun to shift to the other live sex act going on. the attention didn't slow the bear down one bit.
The cultivation of Ellie
Ellie continued to be used as a living sex toy. her pregnancies came and went. she must have had a dozen kittens by now. this was ellie's life as a cocksleeve.
I Know Who You Did Last Summer
All that mattered was his pleasure, and what he wanted to do with his living sex toy. "one for each of your holes...i've seen them take quite a beating before. i'm sure you can handle one of your own students..."
Inflated by Filth: Part One
Daybreaker rode him as if he was nothing more than a living sex toy, nightmare moon squatting over his face.
A Public Display of Dominance
He swallowed all that he could before gagging and pulling back off, but minding his role as a living sex toy, he grasped the stallion's length with both hands and worked it hard throughout the climax, a spray of hot, thick semen literally coating his muzzle
Darnlake Botany-R 03
"then it is about more than inventing living sex toys?" i tried to sound a little playful. "hey, i never said there weren't some personal perks to this type of research." he ruffled the fur atop my head, or what was left of it.
And We're Pregnant to the Max
Hello nurse was a living sex object, and she had had this made abundantly clear to her by the constant repetitions of "helooooo nurse!" from the perpetually randy warner brothers.
Tails X Amy (New World) Day 1
He was, in a fashion, a living sex machine that she could be with every day and enjoy for all the days of her life...or in this case, forever and ever.
Assimilated: A Cold Dish
Otis carver, the leader of her new unit saw her as nothing but a living sex toy. while he gave her a fire team to lead for the sake of pleasing his superiors, when they were out of earshot, he forced her to perform sexual favors.
Corsi INC 36
Last time we did this party, we had live sex. are you going to do that for us too miss jetta?" "she knows she doesn't have to do that until she feels comfortable parasha."
Hot Swappable
Raising one leg, the bat slipped up onto the bed beside his boyfriend, before placing the living sex toy directly between the lion's heels.