A Goddess in Servitude
Yadda yadda yadda, you know the usual. Over 18 or 21 depending on the place you live and all that spiffy stuff. If in some way you dislike any kind of adult-oriented setting, you'd do best to turn back and make like you never saw this. Deal? Deal. ...
Descent into servitude
#1 of descent into servitude a wealthy stallion buys a young brother and sister to be his personal sex slaves...
The Grind of Servitude
Linna Auriandi had no interest in Pokemon training, at least in the typical sense. The reason she had a Charizard kneeling before her, its neck in a collar and its body gleaming with oil in the fickle brazier light of her den, was because she wanted to...
Servitude and Slavery
servitude and slavery chapter 1 captured the warship flew impossibly high over the clouds of the prehistoric planet. the warship did not look like it should fly, seemingly just old lumber strapped together with rusty strips of metal.
Servitude - 1
Adrian sat up with a stretch of his arms above his head, the light fog that addled his mind slowly filtering away. He let his fingers shade his eyes from the growing light from the rising sun, the red and orange causing the fur of his fingers to shine...
In servitude to the Gods
The night after I had sex with anubis he returned to me said we should be going now. Go where I asked him? To acient Egypt. He said do you still have the amulet that I gave you. Yes I whimpered. Hold it up to the moonlight Anubis said. And say take my...
Sandra's Servitude
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Sandra's paws clasped over her muzzle tightly as hey eyes went...
The Joys of Servitude
It was a bright, sunny day in Stormwind. The weather was pleasant, not too warm but not too cold, perfect for spring. As Aldrick made his way down the streets, he had a smile on his face. There was still a chill in the air that lingered from winter but...
Eternal Servitude
Had a lot of fun doing this one and got me in the spooky mood :d eternal servitude by alice clawford "ugh... what in..." crowley groaned, his head aching and body sluggish as he woke from a daze. had he fallen asleep at his desk again?
A Binding Offer
As the throne room was filled with precious jewels, gold and offerings, Juhal sat in his throne, his cursed bandages draping down, he was a fallen god because of his difference, he was a male herm. Below his sheath could a glistening vagina be seen, he...
Sarvian's Background Story Chapter One
It was late evening, in the middle of a desolate forest, when a great rift opened in the earth. A slight glow emanated from the opening that grew brighter, until a fox rose from the opening, blood red fur and eyes that glowed a bright blue. He had...
Grace, Servitude and Penance.
No warmth was given to her by the torch fire, and she began to shiver missing the warmth of servitude's embrace. someone gave her a rough shove, sending her to her knees.