forced sub
Couldn't admit that part of me was getting aroused by this alpha male or the submissive part he was forcing me into. "fine you won't tell me, then i'll make you show me.
Forced Entry
#3 of the surprise chapter three: forced entry _ _ "i've never felt so great after waking up." _breakfast!
Fox Force
Without a second thought, michael forced his thick cock into lou's tail hole, eliciting a sharp bark from lou. lou's cock jumped and spurted pre as his paws clasped michael's shoulders, claws digging in roughly.
Force Ten
But javier knew that outside the eye, the winds were raging at 120 mph., soon to be disfiguring the sunshine state with their incredible force.
A Forced Relationship
He pressed his body against her even more, allowing his cone like dragon cock to force its way into her sex. his tip slipped past her lips and bumped against her hymen.
Forced by the Bull
"if you wanted me to bottom, you should have been a lot fucking nicer to me back in the bar." he said, forcefully grabbing the wild dog by the throat, gripping him tightly. "but now?
Forcefully Mistaken
And out of the crowd he would come like a dark knight, laying one firm hand on the shoulder of that wannabe stud, would shove him back forcefully and present himself. naked, but for his mask, just like she was.
Disturbance in the Force
It was a presence in the force, significant enough to draw her perception like a gravitational force. it came from behind her, lurking behind the trees, growing closer with every passing second. ahsoka would stop for a moment, and so would her stalker.
Forcing Foxie
Story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **amethyst's advent calendar of kink 2018** **non-consensual** ** ** **forcing foxie** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _commissioned by matteh_ _ _ _
Forcing Talra
All by force, all against her will.
Evolution by Force
Would they be able to walk and talk, to grasp upon the tail of knowledge and hold on, to gain control of this planet and force humanity to kneel? he also wondered what some of those words meant.
Equine Force
I rested with my back against the tree. It was peaceful here but I wasn't content. A small stream gurgled a few feet in front of me and a bird chirped from up in the trees. I'd struck out from my tribe a few days ago. A band of horses that roamed...