Calmer Seas Ahead

I had flippers, fins, blowhole, echolocation. we communicated with clicks and whistles. we ate fish live. and sometimes, we interacted with people. so why couldn't my two psyches live harmoniously? it was easier in the past, before changing back.

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch 10

"we, our scientist anyway, limited it down to something along the lines of echolocation, electro-reception, or by using pheromones." "hate to break it to ya but those aren't it, granted we do use em from time to time but we do actually have eyes."

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Ecco the Dolphin: Corrupted Tides

Ecco gasped and arched against her as she trilled and whistled, sending waves of echolocation racing through his body. if the promise of sex hadn't been enough to get him aroused, her pulsing chirps would.

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Relentless Waves

Jasmine laughed at the buzzy feeling of their echolocation vibrating against her skin through the wetsuit.

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Seeking Sunshine

"echolocation doesn't work through the glass." "ah." they continued through the displays of shiny drones until they came to a raised glass chamber with a bird drone within. a horse was busy feeling up the drone, playing with its nulge.

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Chapter 2: Paris, France

echolocation would be damn nice about now, he thought. too many more hallways and rooms and he just might give himself it. thankfully, the next room they approached had some form of light, enough to trickle through beneath the door.

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Slash of Life Vol. 1: The One and Only: 4. Schoolhouse Blues

"it's called echolocation." kit noted to slash. "amazing!" slash said with intrigue. "it's not all amazing," jazz humbling noted. she then reached for dux, pulling him close to her. "i have this goofball to thank for that."

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Willy the Mentor

Nbsp; it was as the young dolphin dipped beneath the spread legs of jesse, looking up to where his human friend was being sandwiched between willy and lucille, that einstein heard willy's voice through the water, the words carried through the vibrations of echolocation

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Deviant Delights #13 - Changing Gears

He'd learned a long time ago how to do echolocation without using his bat form, so he had a pretty good idea of where he was as the sounds bounced around the walls and doors.

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New Lives at Sea Chapter 03-04

Like echolocation." a series of pitched chirps emanated from his palm through the wood, reverberating off the innards of the desk. "seems simple enough. the glow is nothing. it's just a gemstone, i think. here."

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The Mouse Days of Summer

I'm teaching her how to use her 'echolocation' ... her echo-bursts, you know? so, we tried that, and she found it again, and touched it. tried to pick it up. when it hopped, she squealed one of those glee-squeals and flapped her wings."

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