Ceowolf's Background Info (Character Development - WIP)

A key to the immortals..." some believed that the child's soul was the key, others believed it was the markings on his back. furs and demons alike set forth in a search for this child in hopes to attain the powers of the ancient immortals.

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Seekers Tale Part 8

He looks up at me both sad and confused, "but if you were immortal how did they not survive?" a humorless smile slowly spreads on my face. "just because guardians were immortal doesn't mean we couldn't die.

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Trapped and trained chapter 6: Alex's escape

You are now an immortal guardian who defends this realm from the dark immortals who want to invade it." the boss dragon alphaten said to him.

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Chapter 6

Uh, he tells you about his sex stories but he doesn't explain something as trivial as immortality?" "what the fuck are you smoking? immortality's easy. kill a man and use what was left of their lifespan to extend your life." "what." "or other animals.

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Issue 01: The Guardiandragons

According to the legends, he is said to be one of the immortals. but that is not the truth. however, his appearance allows this fallacy. wyverex has numerous scars.

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Rudolph's eight horny nights Chapter 1

But when frightened enough even the deer will forget that they are immortal and will put up a nice struggle.

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The Cat's Stroll 04

This was a location extremely close to the junction between the two countries and the immortal forest.

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Addiscend: Revealed Truths Part 1

This man who claimed to be his own father was immortal, and that very concept alone had terrified him. did that mean that the other members of the council were immortal too?

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Bilen's Slavers Chap 1

Bilen's father arrived just in time to see the ritual finish, and his son transformed into one of the immortal imps right before his eyes.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 13 - Lust

They were human souls who were connected to already living immortals. those immortals could speak with them and lend the corporal their power for a short time. "shahool..." he muttered out. the figure before him was a great brown bat.

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Chapter 10: The Power of the Golden Armor

My patients thought the idea of immortality to be ridiculous, but i knew it could be acquired. i thought long and hard about my choice, and i realized that immortality really is my deepest desire.

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