It's not any kind of stream-of-consciousness crap, but you do have to read between the lines a bit to really _get_the piece--i'm not going to spoon feed you every little event or detail.
Abuse, Alcohol, Alcoholism, American, Anger, Blond, Cub, Dark, Death, Depression, Drugs, Extreme, Father, Fear, Feline, Hate, Highschool, Japanese, Kids, Love, M/F, Modern, Mother, Pain, Rage, Realistic, Romance, School, Shooting, Snow Leopard, Solitude, Sorrow, Suicide, Teacher, Teen, Teenager, Teenagers, Tiger, Tragedy, Ukraine, Violence, Violent, Young, Young Love, Young Romance, agony, alcoholic, alone, america, black metal, blonde, columbine, cutting, darkness, guilt, loneliness, loss, rob lee, russian, self-mutiliatn, suicidal, ukrainian, virginia tech