Love, Sex, and Demon Blood Chpt.2
"my moonlight nryoku is called shadow blunderbuss. before you ask a blunderbuss is a gun that shoots scattering shots.
Kellowurth Krampusnacht
Of the blunderbuss.
One Night in Ashenvale
Riding on the carriage was a gnome and a human woman, and walking beside or behind the carriage were humans brandishing blunderbusses. jubi slipped into the, and moving at a low crouch, hurried to reach the last human's blindside.
OR: Gnolbolds
The gnolbold artificers are the main driving force behind this rapid advancement from the simple slingshot to a single-handed blunderbuss, these artificers often reverse engineer items that their scouts find then recreate them almost perfectly and improve
Hoist The Colors
Some went to the cannons, but most took out their blunderbusses and muskets and began firing. the serpent screamed and hissed, a horrible world-shattering sound and dove back down.
The Model - Chapter Nine
"hey, you gotta look at this," tobias said, leading me over to a blunderbuss rifle on the wall. "that is _really_cool," i said with a grin. i noticed the same photograph that kurt had of his grandfather was hanging on the wall.
The Offering of the Fangs 2, chapter 2
She vividly remembered how the crazed man had discharged his blunderbuss against the noble lycca, gravely injuring him. the poor girl had never seen so much blood before.
Fun and Games
Gut check was the boys go to move but the puppy soon turned the tide and summoned his blunderbuss, launching a hue cannonball across the screen.
Clawroline: Star Snacker
In the next moment, a pith helmet materialized on his scalp, and a miniature blunderbuss appeared in his hand. he ran off to shoot a pack of awoofies. the bernards turned away from the screen. leongar pointed to the screen and looked at clawroline.
Realm of the Winter Prince: A Pirate’s Tale, Chapter 1: The Litleo’s First Steps
Now, ye may want to stand back," he said as he let go of the smaller paw, pulled out his blunderbuss, and aimed the firearm at the lock of the cell.
A Pirate's Life
At first glance it looked more like a huge hand held cannon than custom blunderbuss. in the lioness' hands it seemed to compliment her physical stature quite nicely. this was the kind of weapon anybody would be wise to avoid the receiving end.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 7 - Stalwart Simians
Rool wanted to fight him in his royal clothes instead of the cutlass-and-blunderbuss-wielding captain clothes. but he did not ask, as the battle of gangplank galleon began.