The Roxas Chronicles I

Large tribal drums beat to a swift, primordial rhythm possibly thousands of years old; maybe fifty in all in the sacred circle. they chanted before the immortal fire's wild bloom.

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Easter Ritual (2004)

The rest of the group watched as the first drum beat sounded in the air, beating in tune to the old rabbits stroking.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep12

_"a-after my picture fades and darkness has... turned to gray watching through windows... you're wondering if i'm ok secrets stolen from deep inside the drum beats out of time!"

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The Ty’aka

As the final drum beats echoed through the now-silent clearing, the village was lit only by the faint light of the moon. what happened next will stay with me until the day i die - it began to rain.

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ToLaD: Chapter 12: Action's Reaction

He pushed the phone back to his ear, hearing a soft drum beat through the phone. "i'll ask dad, amato. no promises, though." braedon answered. "ok. see you then." amato responded and hung up.


The Summer of a life time: Chapter 5 - The Fire Festival

Lighting the staffs at both ends the show quickly begins with the drum beat in the background adding that final effect to the show.

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Cytus: Disaster

Once the drum beat resumes, the pattern once again returns to tapped notes. it might be a chance to catch your breath, under other circumstances; here, it feels only as if exhaustion sets in the moment you stop moving.

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Some Kind of Monster: Prologue

It was like the cadence of a drum roll just before a parade march, only with one drum beating hurriedly out of synch. it was the sound of a quick departure, a getaway, a clean heist now only awaiting the climactic grand escape.

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Otter Bait

The drum beat made his heart beat in time, faster than it should, but it felt strong inside him. his cock wiggled with his pulse, the beat in the water making it sway more and more. he grabbed his sack and squeezed in counterpoint.

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Wanderings and Murder - Chapter 2

It was like a perfectly timed drum beat, just under the sound of his whispers. "its bare, bone-hard feet clacked on the cold stone floor, rattling ..."

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