Touch of Punk

Both had been a bit all-american with their levi jeans and their polo shirts and had become fast friends in orientation, finding each other less threatening than the other freshman whose idea of socializing came with a haze of mind altering substances.

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The Life Of A Retired Champion

There were so many other substances to use, so many other ways that the pair could transform each other, even as they writhed about on the floor, feeling a passion and pleasure that might not even be possible without the use of some sort of mind-altering substances

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The Seven Sins - Sloth

"at the time of the interview, tested negative for any mind altering substance or errant bio-code, raising the question... was this really some sort of guardian angel, or an echo from the spirits before looking out for us after all this time?

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The Muscle Effect - Dreams of You

"we have not administered any narcotics or mind-altering substances, shawn," the sheppie cut in. "it is simply an effect of the serum in your brain."

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Rite of Passage

Her heat would help her, the rush of pheromones that coursed through her body kept her in a state of mild arousal and sensitivity would bring about her trance without the aid of any mind altering substances.

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Technical Difficulties

**_warning: this simulation may contain situations within it that are not suitable for players under the age of 21, including, but are not limited to: graphic violence, explicit nudity, use of mind-altering substances, and potentially sexual imagery and scenarios

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An Outside Chance

A number of small shallow bowls and smoke-censers littered the area around her, suggesting that there had been some fairly intensive use of mind-altering substances during the course of the evening.

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SoFurry House Party 2013: An Outside Chance

A number of small shallow bowls and smoke-censers littered the area around her, suggesting that there had been some fairly intensive use of mind-altering substances during the course of the evening.

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A Renagade Reborn - 9 - All In The Family

Consumption of mind-altering substances is contraindicated for healing purposes." such a helpful robot. "doo ihh layuhhh! helph him!" i gestured at strake.

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Natural Attraction

As the cervine wandered, gazing over the many patrons, most making use of mind-altering substances to enhance the illusion, shi allowed hir body to flow and twist in a sort of dance. at least the music was working its way into hir being.

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