Pokephilia Story - A Frog's Only Wish (Sariah's Tale P.1)

Will razor find a new way to display his new love for his trainer? pokemon is copyright (c) of game freak, the pokemon company, and following parties i do not intend to infringe on copyrights.

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Through the Horizon: It’s Good to be Wrong

Not only did he have to somehow put the alliance back on stable footing, he had to gain another means of supplying his materials and find a new way to protect them.


Izzy Part 1

"they're going to have to find a new way to get supplies for starters." feral answered. hitting convoys from both rebel groups and the cn was the primary way for the small group to get what they needed to keep the bunker running.

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Aldruin, Chapter V: Lovers

She would have to find a new way. the lieutenant would never offer her soul willingly, after what she had been through; after all the torments that had been visited upon her already.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 96

Being who she is has helped us find a new way to help chris out!" rose point out, causing the snake to blink at her while serenity faced alicia before glancing away with a scowl. "yes, well, thank you for that." alicia nodded. "yeah...

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Sand in your Shorts

I have been trying to modulate how i go about writing, to see if i can find a new way of working that both works for me, and allows me to maintain a level of creativity while being mentally exhausted.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 30: Something Is Out There (And It Is Coming...)

We will find a new way of living. we will find a way of forgiving... somewhere... some how... some day... somewhere."_ \*\* that didn't help either! not only was that lip of hers quivering. not only was she tearing up.

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The Drahune Chronicles: Prolouge Episode Zero

He finds a new way to make each experiment cause as much discomfort as possible. but he dare not damage my genitals, no; the captain would cleave him in half with her bare hands if he did that.

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The Elder – Another (not Grimm) Furry Tail

We must find a new way to protect and preserve the elder, and that path is open before us today. humans are the threat, but they are also the promise. some humans must willingly join in solidarity with us and fight for our preservation.

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Flora: Ink to Call

What if we made a deal where you helped me find a new way to call the masked sun without your ink. you could work at my shop, maybe let me sell your regular stock at my store and you could even keep the money from this transaction."

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 25

Rhokki and mak had both decided to give jake and srythryn their space for a day or two to get their long absence from each other out of their systems before they all tried to find a new way to live together as one big family.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 2: I'm falling for you!

As such, you need to find a new way to kill time. what we end up doing is bringing you along to our get-togethers. you'll learn to talk with other ponies and pass time by hanging out with friends.

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