Ain't nothin' but my hammer
A dark bodice clung to her slim body and shaped it further -- let the eyes slide her firm hips, and the curve of the farmgirl's ample chest.
The farmgirl shuffled slightly before arius let out a light noise, an almost thrumming sound. "don't worry ci, if there are a lot of them, i'll take care of them. they couldn't stop me if i tried."
The Chimeriad - Peryton - Volume 1
"i'm a farmgirl," she said, mostly to herself, "and i'm always going to be one." they sat there for a moment longer, until dirk reached out and took her hand. "would you like me to walk you back to the carnivale?" she shook her head.
Territory folks
Not that there wasn't something to be said for perashire farmgirls, with their innocent eyes and their stocky, well-fed bodies -- birthed from the western plains' fertile soil like their fat carrots and beets and apples. _that said_...
The Path Home
Merton had never taken any girl so completely, not even the young and naive farmgirls who had spread their legs the instant they learned he was a soldier.
The Path Home
Merton had never taken any girl so completely, not even the young and naive farmgirls who had spread their legs the instant they learned he was a soldier.
Serjeant Chestnut
Portugese countryside had been refreshing in some ways, but with no extra money, no extra time, and no knowledge of the language, the most he'd gotten besides a view of the hedgerows and a breath of the country air had been a few coy glances from passing farmgirls
Illusions of Godhead
Our department worked with the flying corps briefly; i heard mention of a particularly daring aeronaut -- a farmgirl from perashire who decided to become a soldier." her eyes finally opened -- damp. "i'm not saying i saw myself in her! not exactly!
Hunter's Retreat
Being a proper farmgirl, she already knew a thing or two about how to deal with animals, so she hardly needed any help from me in order to find willing barn-side lovers.
Her vow of poverty prevented her from buying anything, but she could look and delight in the wares as much as any farmgirl. sampling the entries for the cooking contest took care of lunch.
Beyond the Sunset
The bodice and loose beige shirt, paired with a ruffled skirt of pale green linen, gave her the look of a western farmgirl.
Captive Carrying (WIP)
Now i know i said earlier she was a farmgirl, that was something of a mistranslation as she was only there to help with the annual grape harvest in the fall.