What Friends are For
The poor spectating dragoness watched with flattened ears as her best friend casually suckled her mate.
The Cemetery of Livestone
He asked those gods that might exist to show mercy on these poor, wretched souls. that they, so tormented in life might have some peace in the hereafter.
Game of Chance. Final Chapter. (Story Commission)
The poor cheetah couldn't explain, but he wasn't crushed underneath the enormous weight of that kilometric paw.
A Hybrid's Struggle. Prologue: Part 1.
So when i thought about a poor creature being trapped in a tiny ball, i kinda freaked out! what if it was being squished in there?! i certainly couldn't let that poor creature suffer!"open it, dad! we gotta save the poor creature!""
Daughter of Zareh
This story is poorly written and violent. i felt really evil and wanted to destroy something lovely. so i created a character with no name to destroy. again this is poorly written, i just sort of threw it together to be evil.
Puddle's Camping mis-Adventure
This served only to cause her shorts to fall down around her knees, further entangling the poor girl.
Otter Abuse, Part Two
#52 of transformation stories things keep getting worse for poor rivard, but he isn't alone when the abuse starts to fall on huscoon, as well!
Painful Debt Collection, Part Two
He just **couldn't.** less and less resistance existed within the poor feline as bayan stepped up from the desk and began dropping his trousers.
A Night at the Movies: Pt 2
"aw, poor baby. i didn't think you were that young, but, luckily for you, auntie is always prepared."
Cat N Mouse
She snickered, playfully rocking his helpless, dangling form back and forth, "you poor, poor thing.
Parappa & Ma-San: Lammy's and Katy's Inside Stories
Ma-san laughed maniacally as she slowly, painfully and ever-so-sadistically poured a something-like-250-degrees-hot can of soup broth directly into the very top of katy's poor, poor brain (which, oddly enough, was also nigh-heatproof and completely waterproof
Giantess Alphys X Flowey: Vengeful Torment
"oh dear, you poor thing, what happened?"