Wrestler's Reward
The buckaroo suckled, curling his tongue around to press and pry the stoat off of his fur as he wetted it. he mmmed softly... the stoat's taste was one that he always enjoyed coming back to: s'mores.
Well, He's Not a Scorpion
A startled 'wah' escaped the stoat as he was dragged in, any further vocalizations muffled after the amphibian's lips closed up.
Long Apart
The stoat's lips lips were soft and her fur was plush but jessie was clearly uncomfortable and shocked. the stoat realized her error and pulled away. "oh, shit. um, sorry." "no no, it's uh," jessie blurted. "you... you like girls?"
What about binary fission? (prologue)
"excellent." said a dark figure a few feet away from the ermine. "how long did this one last?" the figure asked. "just a few minutes short of an hour, sir." the ermine said stoically.
Flash Fiction: Do Not Disturb
The stoat turned his head to see a buckskin horse, impossibly well-muscled and dressed in nothing but a leather bulldog harness and an orange pup hood that covered his face, staring at him.
A Piece of Cake
The micro stoat looked around, ears perked up to listen for his roommate having heard his struggle.
The Lead Crown, Chapter 3-6: Thaddius
The ermine woman quickly shook her head, "no, your majesty...
The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (Pt 1)
A short, white-furred ermine dressed in fine clothing similar to tobias' was being pinned against a tree by a large, disheveled human.
Scorched Earth
It was like the ermine had known fran's greatest fear and had ripped the hedgehog's needles out to have them put into her body for that exact purpose.
Your Biggest Fan
Damn his persistence, the stoat thought. i need to hide. i doubt he'd think i'd head in here.
The Paleontology of Regret
His partner arrived on time, nodded a _good morning_ to the stoat, and set about his own work.
Chapter X: A Broken Promise
Let it be known, i am a stoat of my word.