The Short, The Furry, and the Horny

She was a beautiful creature, stranglely she was human, with so few of them around he always protected her and felt a deep compassion for her. he shot another round of sperm into the girl. she fell limp and he fell on top of her.

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Part 5 – Attacked

You have grown to be such a beautiful creature. it's too had cloud couldn't be here to join us." he looked at the guard holding me. "take the others and find cloud. it would have been fun if he was here, but that is his loss.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Four)

All i'm sure of is this beautiful creature's close proximity.

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From Chains to Riches: Chapter 6

To him, hiroto was the most beautiful creature in the world. no. hiroto was his world. he remembered how he was never sad when he was around, and how hiroto always seemed to make him smile.

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Collage Love

In front of him was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. she was a red fox, like him, being about five feet six inches and slimly built, also like him just an inch shorter.

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Two of a kind ch.2 friends are hard t cum by

"you know you truely are the most beautiful creature i've ever seen in my life," he said nipping at her ears. "your so sweet," she said licking his chin. the door bell rang and keith got up to answer the door.

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A Midwinter Morning

It is with this knowledge that i lay here in this cushioned bed, beside a beautiful creature in my mid-range loft in a high-rise overlooking the great industrialization and advancement of our world, that i wonder if this is progress, or the seeds of our destruction

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The Woodland Visitor Supplemental #1: The Cane

To find out how to make this beautiful creature happier than she already is."

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It Was Mine - Chapter 1

When they first came out into the open, only the rich and famous could get their hands on these beautiful creatures, but now almost everyone has their hands on one. almost being the key word here.

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