Character Sheet - Reese

Bi-monthly sums of diamond, bradlew would ensure that while on the station, both sam and reese would be given respectable living spaces, access to all needed medical technologies including his vast stores and facilities that produces extremely high grade nano-tech

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Seeking history part three

The quantum nano tech suits build custom fitting helmets and faceplates from extra nano bots. "we didn't have this problem when we went down the other way." bastao says. "true, i wonder if pool water ever leaked down here?

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Undercover RK: Recovering A Stolen Secret (NSFW-Fiction)

I had this dream and i swear i thought in the dream i was fainting from this nano tech drug. it was a good experience but the story was crazy. half of the people were anthro fur peoplez and the other were humans.

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Seeking history part two

"good thing these are made from quantum nano tech, i couldn't lift it if it was like the armor in the museum." "yeah, exactly! bastao no offence, but your bats are just delicate and i don't want you to get hurt down there." saul said.

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Walk a Mile: A Friend's Fantasy

They were, at least to the alien race that built them, simplistic nano-tech genetic resequencers. jenny and siren hadn't built the machines, merely found out how to program them. and thankfully the 'grey goo' problem wasn't possible.

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The Chance To Explore: Part 7 Busy Day

The other was the medical nano-tech that we use remove the disease that causes uncontrolled cell growth; they call it cancer. but instead of choosing to distribute these advances to everyone, it turned into just another argument.

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The Chance to Explore: Part 10 Making Choices

When we arrive the human crew-members will be put on another ship, their nano-tech removed and then taken back home." jaden didn't want to hear anymore and he very nearly begged breyson to stop, but he closed his eyes and held his tongue.

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Megalopolis - Renegade Huntsmen

The brain is implanted into an armored shell and the spine is laced through the cybernetic spine of the construct body using nano-tech to fuse the nerves with sensors that will give the individual reflexes faster than any mortal."

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Part V- Total Dallaireian Overhaul

Symbiotes, a metabolic accelerator, or some experimental form of nano-tech perhaps. this fox had more surprises in him than a cracker jack box. reese slid out of the rumbled sheets and strode naked to the door, grumbling all the way.

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Breeder City S3 Ep. 4

"get to the nano-tech lab!" nina called back to the other two, opening fire. the bullets ricochet off the armored carapace of the giant insects, some landing good hits on soft targets making the creatures whine in pain.

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