Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 9-A
"banjo, we spent the day she got here in showdown town with friends, and then the last two days we were getting our butts over here!" exclaimed kazooie. "i don't think she had time to even think about talking, let alone actually talk about it!"
Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 7-B
"i got four of my friends out of showdown town, too."_ _"oh, did you?" asked the bat s she sat down, leaning back against the same tree that banjo was leaning over. "that's great!"_ _banjo nodded.
In The Darkness
Urf... that game was such a showdown. we totally kicked empress high's ass- seven to nothing." bryson nodded, turning and heading home through the darkened rural streets out of town. he shifted into third and kept motoring on home.
Electric Touch: Chapter 19 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
It was actually a lot of fighting, with a lot of the people cheering for ginger, as it turned into an epic showdown.
The Campus Tales-Smart Study
As the midterms loomed the study friends began to meet at night in the library to help each other prepare for the showdown. then one night jamie called up carl asking to relosquirrele that night's session to her place.
Biohazard: San Marcos - Day Three: Ascension
In the next day, look forward to the pre-showdown between almae and the remaining survivors. have comments, compliments, and/or criticism? you know where to leave it. _
The world of Aeurn: History of the planet
Palador faced off with maelgurn in an epic showdown and during the battle, isthrum fired a poisoned dart at palador in an act of betrayal, under the orders of king gaylen v.
The Book of Warlock 3. In the presence of magic.
Having the dragon at full capacity for the final showdown was of utmost importance. it was the only one with absolute command of its power.
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.11
#57 of para-imperium it's the big showdown with the nebula company, will our crew survive with their lives and transhumanity intact?
The Stray and The Heat Pack
The strongest looking of them was definitely a golden retriever that had been watching the scene unfold for longer than the stray and from the opposite side of the clearing where the heat pack decided to have its final showdown after the female that made it
The Legend of Spyro: Brothers Until the End, Chapter 2
So i ran and hid myself behind a big rock in a safe distance where i could see the showdown.
The Job Of The Century
He looked in his mind and thought of an action from one of his favorite video game characters, nisha, when she uses showdown. "okay... you, shadow thingy. come closer." seje said suddenly, eyes still closed. "i do beg your pardon?