Charm School, Chapter 1

It was jarring and out-of-place, like a host of a high-society dinner in new york city speaking with the accent of an appalachian coal miner. heather didn't seem to notice. "of course! forgive me, charlotte, i didn't mean to be greedy."

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Lightning - 6 - Saturday

A black leather tail-coat, similar to the fabric ones altius wore; a red leather vest with ornate stitching and tooling; black leather breeches with not just a drop-front but a pouch straight out of high-society paintings; tall black riding boots with mock

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First Impressions Chapter 22

"you don't know high society love. i peddle dildos and sex aids for a living!

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.1 - Three Months Ago

His orange suit was louder than the machines, two arms crossed with one arm tapping a cigarette of a particular brand of high-society smoke.

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Just a greeting [Commission]

The positioning of her hooves, her mild facial expressions, and subtle idle movements as well as the way she carried herself gave haley a strong impression of a high-society mare, cold and elegant like in some sort of historical drama.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 28

Besides iris needs to feel that she is in power, she was born in the high society standards, she needs to remember what it meant to be respected and when taking cyril as an example there is nothing more satisfying for someone like that than having someone

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In the Harness: Freedom

It was everything that made him feel as if he were a beggar being tolerated into high society. his own clothing was of good quality, but several decades out of fashion. it had been tailored and retailored over and over again.

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The Chronciles of Vaahn - The Man Who Would Be King

As the crippled baron drifted away, jasat loomed out of the swirling sea of high society. "what was he after?" the young human stared up at his kyyreni master. "he... he knew about me.

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Midline Shift 21 - Archangel

You think anyone in a high-society's gonna buy from me?" "fair enough, you know your flaws so you gotta work with it. how much can i get?"

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Trinity - Re-Enlistment

They had integrated into trinity's high society for the most part, though a few street gangs still roamed the town at night... but mask had managed to re-purpose them quite nicely. "how does it feel to see them here?"

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