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"so its not like she needs a stallion... not when shes got a breeding bull like me. isn't that right bren dear." "gods yes." the pretty spotted mare moaned at once, and then went on to tell her husband how much better a fuck the bull was.

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A well-earned tavern visit - Asito sheaths a guard

When even that ceased after a couple of moments, asito took the rod that had fucked his cock into orgasming and rammed it into his anus, expertly milking his prostate like that of a breeding bull. the rottweiler howled forcedly and lost conscience.

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One With The Woods Part 2: The Commander

Or perhaps you'd rather remain a breeding cow? tell you what, i'll even make it a more fair fight." she waved her paw and released the invisible shackles that had kept billy rooted to the spot.

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Days in the Life: Angela Neem: Day One - Chapter one

Angela giggled sweetly hearing that, his wife was a full breed bull mastiff, a good heads taller than jack. "well she should. such a cute little man shouldn't get her."

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The Next Day

She smiled as she watched her precious bulls bucked their hips against and into their newest breeding cow.

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graveyard dare

Dean smiled as he loved both girls he was now turning into a right bull, turns out that he was a breeding bull, yep just that breeding bulls are shy and not that very into furs until they have sex then they change.

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Messing With The Bull

A breeding bull, or so it felt like. her toes and fingers curled as he started to really fuck her, gaining chugging momentum as he huffed like an old train. never quite rough, not trying to hurt her.

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Sweating like a breeding bull, with the balls to match..." "fucking right," hesten growled. "you like my big balls, huh, colt?"

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want a baby

bull, i give my seed to those in need and then i leave, i know you two are gay and this is only for a child so after i have mated you i will go" he said to lilly who then did something i've never seen her do or even say to any male all the time i've known

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