George and the Dragon

"i don't believe it, you're just confused because you've spent so long having your mind dominated." george scolded the bat, but he only got rolled eyes in return.

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._ _all the more reason for him to put in the effort to assert his waking mind's dominance over the part of him that held most sway over his dreams._ "_never forget that you are the architect of this world."

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Primal Instinct

The fight was rendered insignificant, and yet the events that transpired were dominating my mind. domination ... that was what i hoped to accomplish in fighting him, right?


The legend of a warrior; chapter 1 - End and new beginning

It was an infernal agony of pain, but also of pleasure, rising behind it... while she felt like if he had cracked her pelvis in two, in her mind dominated a painful, insane pleasure for his power, and for the awareness that that pain was only one sample...

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Collared - Chapter 24 - The Last Drop of Rain on the Precipice

In his mind, dominic was not a monster or a villain. he was justice, doing the work of an unknown higher spirit, a conduit for the will of the universe.

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Against the Grain - Upcoming, Sidestepping Reality, and Rejecting a Premise

Even here with the few openly gay couples on campus, it was still a hetro-minded dominated society. his look, his curve, his voice; i knew he was right.

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As if reading his mind, dom panted softly into his ear in a husky post sexual-coitus voice. "ya know... you need something to help you keep it in your pants."

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Put Another Bun in the Oven

I'm losing my mind!" dominic looked at him in the hazy light of the purse compartment and widened his eyes. "who the fuck cares? i'm losing my penis!"

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Stranded: Consequences

The fact that he'd done so to protect me was a faint whisper in the back of mind, dominated by the resounding image of death that played back in a continuous loop.

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Five White Feathers (Second Eternity - Eps 9)

Is there something on your mind?" dominic slowly turns to damon. "i got to become a gryphon for a month. i learned about gryphons. i layed eggs at one point. i helped another to lay eggs. i am a parent of a gryphon."

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The Coach - Sporting Behaviour

So with that in mind, dom headed out to _plateau state college_, specifically the phi upsilon kappa fraternity house.

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