Fish Out Of Water

"he didn't believe in god, but he was religious if you think of buddhism as a religion... he wasn't if you think of buddhism as a philosophy," she explained. "and how do you think of it, yourself?" he asked her. "i \*am\* a buddhist, in fact...

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Feliz's story

Feliz never liked religion, but had borrowed from all religions when it came to his personal philosophies, especially buddhism.

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Plan B (Chapter 17, book 6)

"buddhism is a religion of compassion and tolerance. shintoism worships the emperor as, basically, the direct descendant of the sun goddess and was the driving force behind the military aggression.

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The Unwilling Thrall (A1, B1, C13)

I evolved from chinese religions rooted in taoism, buddhism, and folklore mythology, all of which predates your people by almost a thousand years. know your place, frost _gnome_. i could crush you.

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That's buddhism. i practice taoism. you mean zen. am i any closer to zen." "oh! right. my bad. no offense taken, i hope?" "none whatsoever. they're very easy to get mixed up, i know." bradley smiled at gus' effort. "and yes, i'm closer every day.

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Embracing the Field (Part 1 of 2)

Probably buddhism." christi flinched at his apparent knowledge of the non-scientific skill, but nodded understandingly.

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Penultimate (Chapter20 Book8)

It's some sort of religion about 'taoism, shinto and esoteric buddhism.' oh, and, 'japanese shamanism.' hell if i know." karla arched his brows. "you mentioned other articles?"

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 3

I have loads of knowledge with all things buddhism and shintoism. i'm super excited to be a part of the team (??????)" shinigamihime "omg! you made it!" "howdy! my name is tim. i am a huge history buff and tactician" ninjachicken\_1 "my name is rea.

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Lyle and the Grand Gay Getaway Package [18+]

Switched to buddhism. lyle? unhirable. nothing i could do. redd left dirt on my paws. couldn't wash it off. worst part? that résumé. turns out, the phone number was wrong. one digit off. lyle dug his own grave. now, it was really hopeless.

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Little Magician Girl

Even the big name hitters, christianity, islam, and the slightly different case of buddhism. there were so many saints and worshipped sisters in their books that it was all but impossible to keep count.

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Covert Shadows

Among the peasant revolts and rise of jodo shinshu buddhism was the employment of ninjas, famed for their skills of active espionage.

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The Love of Takahashi Yoishi: Part Four

"bushido is essentially confucianism modified by buddhism and shinto, then further modified by japanese traditions. however, are we talking about a woman becoming a warrior or a woman ruling beside her husband? or even ruling on her own?"

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