Hello, Neighbour

If only to get him to stop crying, so that they could question him before his public shaming, dillon expected. he'd said as little as possible. just his name; they already knew he lived next door.

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Jay-Jay Finds His Way Home Chap 1

Time outs, getting sent to bed without dinner, losing privileges, public shaming, or humiliation. there was a whole list of sexual punishments as well, chastity, orgasm control, and bathroom control.

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The Love of Takahashi Yoishi: Part Four

She believed, correctly, that ichiru-dono would have preferred a public flogging than such a public shaming.

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Jay-Jay Finds His Way Home

Time outs, getting sent to bed without dinner, loss of privileges, public shaming or humiliation.

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Chapter 13: Of Dogs and Rabbits

She could have reviewed the tape herself and talked to you in private instead of resorting to public shaming." "it taught me a lesson though. i didn't eat anyone's pencils after that.

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Brightwood Academy Boys

If it is marked humiliation they can ask you to do something that will be embarrassing, usually some sort of public shaming. both are at the discretion of the staff member administering your punishment."

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A Marriage Blossoming - PttP 4

"will we be publically shamed for not fucking the first night of our honeymoon?" "i mean, we technically did fuck on the first night of our honeymoon," skye reasoned. "at the airport." she was nodding, relishing the technicality.

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Ryu's Backstory

Commander maradine had happily relayed a commendation from the bosses and boasted of trask's very public shaming.

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Werewolf Tale - Ten Chapter Sample

Whatever that scent had been, the feeling it gave him, a feeling as if he'd been publicly shamed, stuck with him until he left for work. \* \* \* arriving home after his shift to find his folks relaxing in the living room, alex heard bailey come running

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My Sword, My Clan 27 - My Trials and Tribulations

shame her and nullify any contracts made therefore giving her no ability to work ever again."

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An Affliction of the Heart

This was the public shame area. she was being made an example of: being publicly displayed like a trophy. * * * four hours. four painful, tear-filled, agonising hours was how long it took warden to walk to canterlot.

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