Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Bunny Hop

His paws were used to pull himself forward faster while thrusting as well, footclaws digging into the wooden floor for traction as he reamed the bunny fully.

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Shin and Light - Chapter One - Me Against The World

She groaned loudly, footclaws curling as she dampened shins chin, a wet splash as she near screamed in delight when he hit the spot he had been aiming for.

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Dzarla Finally Gets Out

Dzarla paced down the stone pathway through the trees, her footclaws making a noticeable taking on the hard ground. "well it was pretty interesting." "oh come on! you liked it a lot didn't you?" "ok..ok you were right.

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His destiny 4

Mouth, he took it with both hands and slowly inserted into his gaping anus, one the girth was nearing uncomfortable levels, he released it and bent his face forwards, eye to eye with the oozing member, he opened his muzzle and started sucking himself, his footclaws

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Remembering memories, meeting new friends

I landed in front of the structure hearing my footclaws click and clatter against the solid stone walkway. i looked up at the sign and in engraved letters it spelt: academy of infinite dragon knowledge.

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The Birth of Hyperion Academy: Chapter 2

Instead he heard trickling all around him punctuated by squeaking faucets and the clacking of footclaws on the white tile floor. a smattering of coloured tiles arranged into a golden g encircled by a complementary black broke the pattern.

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A Wolf at the Door

When he got home, pika was already there, unrepentantly using her footclaws to tear a hole in his couch. they locked eyes for a brief moment, then wires retreated into his room.

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Dragon Blossom - Chapter 5

His footclaws began to clench up too, talons ripping through the barn's floor as he felt another powerful surge in pleasure. "more... need more..." hunter growled, his thoughts becoming muddled as his resonance with gabe seemed to double in intensity.

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Wild Ch. 5: Intruders

He allowed his pants to fall to his ankles before he kicked them away, then he started to slowly step over to his brother...before his pants caught on one of storm's footclaws, causing him to fall over on top of storm. "whoa!"

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Chapter 4 -- Explosion from Heaven

No, instead, i sat on the bed, tapping my footclaws against the carpet anxiously, wondering if i would see anyone downstairs. i looked at the clock. 9:35. what if he was still gone? worse yet, what if he was here?

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