Richard and the Fae - Ch05

The only cure for that was to eat, and roadkill or a burger joint dumpster weren't always handy, especially out around the national park where he went if at all possible during that time of the month.

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The First Warning Part 1

You'd probably be roadkill. i'd do the most obvious; do a dropkick as i crash into the glass of the front window and knocked out the two boys in blue clear off... and it does hurt with all the glass...

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682 The Squirrel From Hell

The generally anthropomorphic squirrel thing, her roadkill, her prey, is diverging steadily from its original appearance the more and more often she looks away.

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BYWAYS - Chapter 2

Even without hearing the rest of his sentence there was a warmth in kelly's words that reminded ish of the summer sun rotting roadkill.

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Gin's Day - Gin

That, coupled with shopping for the other, more groceries needed since the young pup could eat, as seen had found out oh so quickly, had left the dire bear somewhat feeling like roadkill. 'well, at least gin's being a good boy.'

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Half-Blood Chapter XLIV

He said and winced a bit at allison's cold stare which made him feel like he was about to be roadkill. "as i said, how i know the things i know is none of your concern, and i have no ill intentions toward your clan.

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Eden and Abyss-In the Beginning

Were it not for you, i would be roadkill.' a look of recognition dawned on lewis' face. he had not seen the man he had saved, but he had heard his voice. 'i-it's a pleasure to meet you sir.' lewis stuttered.

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Return to Sender 2 - Saw Wood Zone

"awww you asked fer it pal, now yer roadkill!" "just try me!"

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Spears In Space! (Part 1)

"i'd hate to have to scrape you off some battlefield like roadkill because you got sloppy." "lighten up, nox. it's just training." con replied. "if he's going to screw up, better he do it here, right?"

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Cherry's Pick

If he starts to get grabby or mouthy, rodger can turn him into roadkill for you." "micky!" the girl laughed and pulled her furry friend in for a hug, "just give him a chance. maybe he's the dream squirrel you've been waiting for."

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Daddy's "Girl"

That, couple with shopping for the other, more groceries needed since the young pup could eat, as seen had found out oh so quickly, had left the dire bear somewhat feeling like roadkill. 'well, at least gin's being a good boy.'

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