Forcing Talra

Sprawled on the hard stone floor of the slave quarters where she was housed, talra was all alone, the pretty, yellow songbird anthro whimpering, deserted by her fellow slaves. they'd known that they wouldn't want to stick around to watch the show.

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Morning in the Park

She was moving slowly, listening to the songbirds and watching the butterflies. she would soon pass by a spot where the cedar canopy was thin.

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A New Nest (Old Story)

They spent a few moments in silence, with only the suave chirps of the songbirds and the buzzing of insects disturbing the song of the wind. shareek closed his eyes, almost dozing off before a skreek roused him from his slumber.

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Reflections on Suicide : Leap of Faith

Or rather what i didn't hear: the sound of songbirds. i looked back at baal-berith without any emotion. "you can just call me baal, son." he grinned at me and took his arm around me. suddenly, things began to get darker.

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A Princess' Steed: Chapter Seven

Celestia slammed a hoof into the finely manicured lawn, startling a songbird from the tree behind her. "there is no right way for a stallion and a mare to be together, only what they determined." luna lowered her head, levelling her gaze.

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The Witch of the Woods [Patron Reward]

This body is the body of a sweet little songbird, who belongs body and soul to the beautiful matron of the forest. the knowledge of this makes you cum again, and again, and again. you understand why the other birds sing so sweetly.

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Gift horse

Her voice was as melodious as a songbird, matching the enchanting ambiance of the bar itself. after some time, she made her way to tom and his friends' table, a pad in hand ready to take their orders.

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Ritoyami Story 1 - Teba's Affections

Before he had been floating in an inky black abyss which felt oddly soothing, but all the same his senses slowly began to assert themselves within his mind; his nose caught the scent of musk which he room reeked of, while his hearing whispered that there were songbirds

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The Habitat

Somewhere a baby began to cry; or at least, a songbird that could mimic the sound with frightening accuracy. "you're an idiot dude." was all the three of them could say, nearly in unison as they sighed at the poor attempt of a pun. "maybe, maybe.

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The Beastmaker's Age - YEAR 7

There was usually one or two of them hanging about the seraglio, but the rest ranged out across the city - like all of her beasts, they didn't need food or water after all, and being pretty songbirds was the only purpose to their existence, so they eagerly


Fey and Fortune

He didn't remember it, at least he didn't specifically remember which orgasm, which act had been the one to finally break him, but as kemper awoke once more in bright morning sun to the sound of chirping songbirds, he did remember everything that

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