A Day at the Marina

They still perform, but usually in kiddie shows, and the young dolphins get to interact with human children. i wonder if the young dolphins know their parents were once humans??

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Kayla on the Warpath

Grimly she scanned the faces of her half-dozen prisoners -- all bottlenose dolphins, from the settlement to the east.

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Relentless Waves

Ho-sook's partner was samantha heard, a native of nebraska from the united states who was quick to tell you that they knew as much about dolphins as dolphins knew about corn where she had grown up.

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Wind Chill

Although they lacked the physiology to speak, the dolphins in these waters shared a telepathic link whenever they met. an occurrence that never lasted too long.

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The Blue Marble - Distant Waters

You land furs probably won't understand, dolphins live in a whole different world.. "well, you know i don't like talking about it with other mates," i say, chuckling, "but she enjoyed it.

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Dolphin Dreams, Chapter 4

With the set of encyclopedia out, i also did some "refresher" reading on dolphins. i thought i had a pretty good handle on the anatomy -- from first-hand experience! -- but it helped to see it in a diagram.

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Shadowrun: Shadows of Salt Lake

Many times of dolphins getting caught in nets and what she believed as storm dolphins attacking men for the sake of surviving as a species. now, i know that storm dolphins turned on man, whom the dolphins are famously fond of.

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A New Presence

"what do you say we stop for lunch," hector suggested, "those dolphins gave me a run for my money and i'm hungry."

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The Alley Fights Back

I whistled at the same pitch i used to introduce myself to new dolphins or tell isthia where i was-my signature whistle. i waited for hers. no whistle.

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