Blaze of Glory Chapter 2

The fine silver plating of its surface and band gleamed in the light cast by the lumen strips set into the ceiling above her as she gave it a thoughtful look. the small hands slowly moved about in their circular pattern.

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Blaze of Glory Chapter 3

A flickering lumen strip completed the classic scene. "where's your ptv?" asked rhajir, his hand snaking into his pocket and coming to a rest on his once again concealed weapon. "aisle four, lot 38.

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Technofox 1

"those are, what, 400 lumen bulbs?" "three hundred," technofox replied. "humans would use something closer to fifteen hundred," andrew explained. technofox looked up. "really? i didn't know that." "atlanta's this week?"

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The human cringed involuntarily from the discomfort; the bowel movement tried to escape as it swirled through his insides with powerful horrible squirts of pain from the internal workings of his snaking lumen.

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A Hero's Reward Part XII

Her eyes were impossibly big, glowing with what looked like fiber-optic radiance, this lumen reduced only slightly by her growing, rounded slit pupils. he tried to look away. constantly.

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Book Two: Lost In The Mist *FULL LENGTH*

Look, we're getting you out of here, but we have to collapse the lumen in your stomach. there's only one way we can reach it, so hike your tail and grin and bear it. this is going to hurt. do you understand?"

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New World, Part one: The bow is drawn

"with the usable amounts of water we have as fuel and the available fusion units we can bring on line _now_, we can make lumen 5 maximum or lumen 4.6 at our most economical settings.

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Book Three: Behind Yellow Eyes *FULL LENGTH*

Though it isn't inherently bright itself, that the whole ceiling is glowing makes for many lumens. he thinks back to his materials sciences class, when they discussed lighting from fluorescing surfaces. then he looks down and feels embarrassed again.

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Havem Multiversal Collective

They hate and fear the light, and are rendered permanently blind upon seeing any more than 15 lumens. a lonely black castle sits inside one of the large craters of ko, but there's no explanation as to why it was made, or how it got there.

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