Riding Dirty
Desmond gasped and whimpered; now he was assaulted with the most potent whiff of her anal musk yet, and again he nearly gagged. the biker did not impale herself too far down on desmond's snout, but enough that the boy began to worry.
Selective Tongue Grooming
Breaking so many taboos at once brought him immense pleasure, as did the anal musk of the pokemon, not to mention that he found the agile creature attractive.
A Different Kind of Fight
Not even donell had expected it but his pokemon's anal musk was enthralling to his tender nose. servicing a massive, powerful male was everything to him. it didn't matter that that male was his own beloved pokemon.
The Gore Magala's Victory
Up close once more to the gore, the slowly clearing smell of anal musk was quickly being replaced by the smell of the wyvern's heady arousal. like the anal musk and the taste of his cum, the smell of arousal was intoxicating for michael.
Butt Slam Part II
The reek of her anal musk and sweat would cling to his fur for weeks and he had only just washed indigo's scent out of his coat. then farrah began to wriggle and writhe as if she were a stripper and he were her pole.
Dragon Filth
Hungrily he snuffled it, gladly inhaling the hyena's rich anal musk. he leaked even more precum as a consequence. clyde bit his lower lip, but still was grinning.
FPP Side Chapter: The Cabin Boy
His nose dragged along the deepest point of her ass crack, nostrils sniffing softly, sampling thick anal musk which he believed smelled as natural as the scent of any flesh-and-blood woman.
Sleek, Slobbery, Sticky Siblings
The flavorsmell of kahnso's anal musk made him shiver, his small penis throbbing harshly. he licked across the pucker, giving it a good, hard slathering, and creampuff joined in with a sweet coo.
Mother's Musk
Margot snorted anal musk as fresh, as untainted as it could possibly be, and her tongue lolled, pleasurable delirium whisking her away as a second, improbably stronger orgasm struck her like lightning.
Sunny's Seat
Not just incidentally, but hungrily, sucking deep snorts of anal musk. sunny laughed. "you smelling me? i guess i'm not surprised... you've sent me, what, like eight grand? well, i guess the least i can do is let you sniff my asshole a little bit."
Butt Slam Part VIII
He exhaled through his mouth, forcing humid breath through what was already a wet jungle; and he inhaled through his nostrils, snorting her rich anal musk which the panties filtered not at all.
Heat and Warmth
She shuddered, thrilled by the smell of sweat and anal musk. her senses were heightened in these heatlike spells of hers.