Learning to Swim - Part XXXV
With a set of return motions sealing it again, the female fluff drake stood before ari. "so my idiot brother screwed up again, did he? well, guess i'll get done with you fast as i can then." "i'm not looking to fight back."
Roads Untraveled - Part XXIV
With a sadistic giggle a much larger fluff drake took her place, pinning ari's arms back. "~oops~. i don't know my own strength." "what the fuck was that for, lilly!? she was holding her girls!"
Dust and Echoes - Part IX
The hardened fluff drake smiled as she backed away from the frosty barrier. "finally, someone else calling me 'lilly' for once. this is already going well." «i don't ~feel~ it changing anymore, if that makes any sense.
Grade-A Eggs
The handsome fluff drake wasn't even one of her students, but when he'd slipped in behind her she found herself melting into his crotch without even thinking about it. and now adram had a damning video of her soaking her muzzle in a student's musk.
Dust and Echoes - Part X
The rogue fluff drake took another few confident steps forward, chuckling to himself in his foiling of cid's plan. "i've always ~wanted~ to smash your head in, runt." "well not if i get my gun up your scaled ass first, you won't."
Sabrina & Sky: Summer Camp Part 1 By: Renatamer
Blake was molly's older bother and his partner was the rocket pack toting sheepmon apply named fluff. drake was next with his gazimon, slash. josh gave a hello as his purple dragon like monodramon named spyro stood by.
The Second Law - Part XXX
Dee waved to lilly and the fluff drake stood to power up the transport. "hey... you coming, ari?" "no... i need a few minutes." ari's paw clutched the pair of wedding rings hanging from her neck. "i might have lost too much in all of this.
Dust and Echoes - Part I
Carbon shook his head at the fluff drake's skewed observations. "no, they go through training. speaking of which, we're starting early. as of now, these two are joining us and boot camp commences.
Learning to Swim - Part XXXVI
The male fluff drake led his sister down slowly down the hall, spinning to walk backwards and face her partway. "i don't want to wake the big guy if he's in a bad mood, y'know." lilly sighed and spun her brother around by his shoulder.
Roads Untraveled - Part XXIII
The fluff drake craned her head back with the lack of response, only to find the small crater ex made in a rooftop through a spotting mirror. "oh, _you_ did. fu~uck." -- -- -- -- -- "wakey-wakey, big boy."
Roads Untraveled - Part VII
The fluff drake in question silently slipped into the room and found a nearby seat, ducking her gaze down to the floor after carbon began staring. "i might just be here as... formality or something." "that's fine, lilly.
Lustful Obedience [CM]
It was only when the jaguar walked in front of him though that the fluffy drake inhaled sharply, the collar around his neck feeling tighter somehow as the announcer added, "go on, join them. you're just a dumb pet to me and everyone else now.