World of Chaos: Chapter 6
_Skempta_ An arrow skittered off my raised shield, glancing harmlessly aside. I bolted forward, bearing down on my prey, a shortbow wielding human dressed in a light tunic, with a small belt knife strapped horizontally across the front of his...
World of Chaos: Chapter 5
_Skempta_ The guards dragged the battered form of Rekkdyr down the corridor, torches reflecting from the blood that ran thick in his fur. I stared in disbelief as they tossed his unconscious form into the cell with the horrified fairy. "You made him...
World of Chaos: Chapter 4
_Aatu_ The moon went through a full cycle, and still we traveled. The northern pines and spruce of the packlands gave way to open tundra, which eventually gave way to aspens and meadows. I was certain only that we were moving southwards, by the rise...
World of Chaos: Chapter 3
_Camden_ I sighed as I untied the heavily knotted rope that served as a belt for my simple robes. _I wish I could make her understand._ I thought to myself, allowing my robe to drop open. It had been a long time since I bothered with undergarments,...
World of Chaos: Chapter 2
_Aatu_ I had pursued the raven well into the forest by the time it landed on a small pine tree, calling out with that mocking kaw. I ran forward, abandoning all stealth, knowing full well it was aware of me. The bird took flight once more, this time,...
World of Chaos: Chapter 1
_Aatu_ My story is a strange one. Do not mistake me for the hero. I'm no great knight, or proud prince fending off the forces of darkness. There are many others far better suited for such a title. I begin the chronicle best, since it was my beginning,...
World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter 19
**_Skempta_** The elvish princess snarled with all the ferocity of a lioness, spear thrust aimed at my left breast. My shield leapt up to turn the attack harmlessly wide. Vailadriel spun in a graceful dance, using the momentum of my deflection to...
World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter Seven
**_Riddaris_** My heart thundered with the force of an arctic gale, matching that of my hooves as I galloped as quickly as I could through the tight confines of the centaur camp. The sounds from the birthing tent sent shivers up my spine. Elska was...
Wolfkin d20 Base Class
Wolfkin There are men in this world who may never reconcile themselves with the rest of civilization. There is a burning desire for unending skies and dense woods that cannot be sated within the confines of a city wall. A yearning for freedom in a...
World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter Seventeen
**_Hadrian Stagg_** Word of the beauty of Rainhaven had travelled far, even to the human lands far south in the Sapphire Bay. Tales of the natural architecture working in harmony with the forested northern vale, the great northern seas and beautiful...
World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter 18
**_Ivaylis_** The military district was separated from the rest of the city by a towering stone gate that served a defensible hold-out in the event of a siege. It seemed to be doing it's intended job well, as me and my remaining soldiers arrived. I...
World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter Fifteen
**_Tokala_** Nearly three days had passed since the battle with the troll. While the incident had weighed heavy on my mind since, Fyrsil was usually quick to bring my spirits back up. That's what I loved about my adoptive brother. He was perhaps...