Ahadi's Plaything

He mewled happily, rumbling to him, the pleasure slowly breaking his mind down as the older lion began to describe his new life as a simple possession and plaything.

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A Wah's Plaything

You wake up under a red fabric, light faintly shining through it as you look around. Almost falling back asleep from how tired you are when you realise this wasn't your sheet and have no idea whose bed this is. Eyes going wide open as you observe your...

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Master's Plaything

In your sleep you dreamt of memories that seemed to be nothing more than just that dreams. Unsure if any of it was even real anymore, your life's purpose being that of serving your master now and any memories outside of that seemed distant and unreal....

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Princess' Plaything

_Warning: Contains non-consensual sex between an adult zebra and an underage lion._ * * * "Strip!" Even though he was trained to instantly obey a command, it still took the young lion a few seconds to snap out of his spell. While being told what to...

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The Devil's Plaything

He knew she wasn't just being taken to a different part of the mansion; being assigned to the 7th floor meant she would become the arch devil's personal plaything. "lord demiurge." he growled.

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Succubus Sorority: Playthings

**succubus sorority: playthings** **by: misstresschange** ** ** a loud crack made joanne blink as crystal broke the triangular pattern of billiard balls lined up on the pool table.

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DreamMaker: Bear's Plaything

"My roomie usually works late, but she won't mind if I let you borrow some of her clothes." Cynthia announced as she pushed open the door to her apartment in the early afternoon. The six-foot-six bear leads Rory, a five-six femboy deer, inside of the...

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Heathen Gods Playthings

Large hands cupped her breast pulling a moan from her throat, a blush crawled across her muzzle. Her mate rumbled his pleasure in her ear, his hands knowing how to bring out the heat that was lurking just bellow her scales. Those large hands...

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Plaything and Sex Object

"or i may say you are my plaything. such a big strong wolf, helpless to a little bunny like me..."

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Tales - Idol Playthings

**tales from the cat house idol playthings** angie awoke once more, this time to familiar surroundings.

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Prince Dreemurr's Plaything

Asriel clutched up fistfuls of golden flowers, teeth grit in bitter contempt as delicate petals ripped and thin milky blood oozed into his fur. He had been tormenting these flowers endlessly, to the bane of his mother; sweet Toriel, whom never caught...

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Fallout: Universal Plaything

////\\//// fallout: universal plaything ////\\//// my hands felt dirt... why is there dirt? i was in a bed a few hours ago, cuddled up against my wife. now i'm outside.

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