Furst Strike- Ch. 1: Introduction

The general pressed his speaker button "margret, bring to large cammie uniforms to my office. get this boy some new clothes." the voice on the other side got mad "my name isn't marg- oh whatever, yes sir!" the general turned back to fardel.

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Section 17

Staying in the shadows i saw jade, rebecca, scott, margret, curtis and hank leaving. i watched them get into their cars, start the engines then slowly drove away. why would sierra go out of her way to track down all the people i worked with.

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Eight: The Cure for Writer's Block

margret? no. she is a complete airhead. she wouldn't be able to help me out. maybe devlin could help?" silver stopped and gave a sigh.

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Afterlife - Shame

"and my mother is margret." "margret..." "you really are, aren't you?" the young woman got up and placed a hand on the tall creature. although it didn't answer, she could see it in his eyes.

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Last day of childhood

Finally, margret, their teacher and one of the oldest women in the city, walked over to the window and gazed out, "the snow is gone, the fields need work, and it is time to live life again, rather than sitting in here with an old

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1) Prologue

As some of you readers might notice i draw heavily on the work's of margret weis to form the basis for the mage's power, structure, and gods. i do not claim to have made this up myself, but rather i am borrowing her ideas for this story.

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Hopping Along, Ch. 1.1 - 265-AC

Nicole had told kyle he was having a sleepover with margret, louise and louis- paul's children. nicole would be there in the morning for breakfast. life doesn't give you things the way they should be. and prayers aren't answered.

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Hopping Along, Ch. 3 - Plastic Wrapper

margret? needed those surgeries... paul and nicole were struggling. struggling real bad, actually. so..." rupert looked up to kyle. his son had composed himself, jaw now longer hanging open, but he was clearly processing it all. "so...

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Anthroa & Company -- Chapter 1

Her kitty whiskers bounced to the music. for some reason it made me remember the first time i met relique, when we were still little bitty cubs, and a time my mother, margret anthroa, was still alive and well....it hurt to remember my mother, i barely remember

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Anthroa & Company -- Chapter 1

Her kitty whiskers bounced to the music. for some reason it made me remember the first time i met relique, when we were still little bitty cubs, and a time my mother, margret anthroa, was still alive and well....it hurt to remember my mother, i barely remember

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Dirt Digging: Chapter 1-Assembling The Expedition

I'm margret pint, a professor at elysium university and this poor pup is my research assistant celeste wales." maggie explained calmly as she picked up the corgi and helped her on her feet again.

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