Unlikely Mate

"i'm not going to fall for your gay jokes in a public place," jian looked at his watch. "fuck, we're running late as it is. i think our warm and comfy night is about to turn into 'how to get girls 101 in ten minutes or less'. say it, kieran.

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The Beastmaker's Palace

Apparently, she didn't just enjoy watching sex - she also loved tasting the aftermath. by the time aishee lifted her head, lips flecked with cum, most of the hot load that had been pumped into sayn earlier had been sucked out.

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 20

I unashamedly leaked tears on my tom's neck at the thought of dan, and the immense confusion and sorrow that he had to push through to see to his daughter's needs after he had watched, fucking watched!

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Boys in the Aviary, Baby (Space Dandy fanfic)

fucking freddy got fingered all the way through while having literally no means whatsoever of escaping from my seat, looking away from the screen or even pausing the damned film...not to mention that i've also been beaten nearly to death and exiled from my

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Lone Tiger: Original Ending

Bunch of people are crying and shit, just fucking watching--fucking pathetic. a bunch more are getting people out of the rubble--hey, check that out, i started a fire. a pretty big one, too.

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The Assignment, Part 3: A Growing Understanding

You sit there, no one touching you or anything, and you do what you're used to - watch sex, and get yourself off. instead of watching some video, though, you watch us.

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 226-250 (Revised)

Fill your sister's belly while i watch. fuck my little girl like you were really trying hard to get her knocked up!" taylor lay on her back and held her arms out to her brother. "ohhh, yes.

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Lone Tiger: Revised Ending

I used to love being alone, cause then i could turn up the volume on my speakers or watch fucked up videos online without my headphones. now i hate it. it's so fucking quiet. i wish i could hear... mom walking around, or doing her work, or something.

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 451-475

"that's the mother of the feline girl that we watched fucking her father earlier," hans said. "i fucked her myself when i was here with taylor." marie held hans' arm possessively and said.

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