Sex Slave Series part 1

"quite the charmer aren't you slave?" she said with a sly smile. "only for my lovely mistress..." he said with a tender smile. kiara blushed slightly at his comment. "so where is your herd?" "right over there.

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Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 2

They say i can be quite the charmer." "i don't find you charming..." madi muttered and damon gave her a look of faux-hurt. "oh you wound me! but really, i want to show you around. can't we be friends?

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Grace's Tail: A Furry Journey- Part 3

Meanwhile, the husky boy was acting like quite the charmer, which grace felt was cute. he put gel in his hair, put on cologne, and gave her flowers and candy.

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Half-Blood Chapter XXVII

It allows the charmer to compel the victim to do what the charmer wishes them to do. it's a controversial subject, it's illegal to use on other mages, and several countries have banned outright unless as a last resort.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 32

He's a real charmer, too." "should i be jealous?" "nah. he's a charmer, but a bit arrogant and obnoxious at times. besides, i am six years older than he is." "arrogant and obnoxious?

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 19

He's not just a charmer, he excels at a whole lot of other things." the fox-wolf looked deeply at her butler. he returned the look and raised an eyebrow. "i've had enough teaching material."

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A Different Kind of Babysitter - Part 5

Red hot mama velvet charmer time's come to pay your dues now you're messin' with a son of a bitch now you're messin' with a son of a bitch!"

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Family Love Chapter 6 Betrayals

Might here is quite the charmer." kilandra sighed happily as she looked into his eyes. "i love him so much." these words were like a bitch slap to aquenus. "what about me sis? do you not love me anymore? do i not make you happy?"

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Stress Leave

He was a charmer, that was for sure, and she smiled to herself as she thought how lucky she was to have someone like him.

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