The pervert parents
Perdita perceives the taste and enjoys it, her right forepaw stimulates the testicles of her pup.
Reference Sheet - Alexos Drausus
Them: small; weak; unimportant how others actually perceive them: leader, friend, companion how do they relate to others: empathetic, always assessing what do people like most about him: modesty and discretion.
My Fursona (Alexos Drausus)
Them: small; weak; unimportant how others actually perceive them: leader, friend, companion how do they relate to others: empathetic, always assessing what do people like most about him: modesty and discretion.
The team works together
Her tongue perceives the taste of the flesh of the dog, it is delicious like the taste of diggs.
A unexpected couple
For first time in her life the cat perceives the taste of a canine penis, it is different and more intense than the penis of a male of her specie.
Third day
Balto perceives the aroma of the posterior hole, he takes out his tongue and begins to lick the region under the tail of his friend delicately.
Window of opportunity
Janae perceives the aroma of the pink opening of jenna, she moans when janae begins to move her tongue between her legs. the she-wolf licks smoothly up and down perceiving jenna's taste, it is a pleasant flavor.
A Pachyderm's Package
Emily began to perceive this, however, as her cock body was being moved towards something that stank, as much as she still could perceive.
Pongo gets his bitch
His ears perceive the sound of vibration of the toy, pongo comes closer with calm and sees over a shrub.
A help
Jason sniffs balto's sheath, he perceives aroma of genital area of balto. balto smiles, feeling jason begins to lick his sheath's opening. the young dog licks smoothly perceiving precum's taste that begins to filter by the opening.
Fire in the Hearth - Part One: The Guest
What we perceive as normal is that there is but one species of intellect and sentience, as we know it, and they are known as humankind. we perceive this as normal, relative to our surroundings, but in another world things are quite different.
Forging Bonds-Chapter 23: A Step Too Far
I glided on his length as my pussy gripped it, allowing me to perceive its veins and other physical characteristics that were so titillating to me.