War of Spirits: Manual.

· an alchemy lab: where they create enhancement cards. · magical cove: where the effect and ability cards are created.

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The Alchemist's Assistant Part 10

Nevertheless, i never forgot my reasons for traveling such a distance and struck out to find like-minded men with a passion for the arts of alchemy and magic. to that end, i found him, maric ahmet.

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Let it Be, Ch 5

The two gators standing beside him were still weak from their exposure and, although cory didn't know much about alchemy, the end result of whatever heinyr had done would limit their ability to fight off the soldiers.

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Cooking with: Ep 3 - Belladonna

You all know how much of a fan i am so obviously i had to go say hi and i told her about the alchemy web show i do and how much i'd love to have her as a guest!"

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Havem Multiversal Collective

Nathmurr's alchemy mat: an alchemy mat made by nitárians. the mat was gifted to nathmurr after he saved a group of nitárian alchemy masters from an icy natural disaster. this was in a kingdom of alchemy located on planet univarck.

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The Explanation to Everything

Kreag: rondoa gave me the ability to use alchemy. and now i have this women who keeps bothering me because she can use alchemy too. averin: you've got a female bully. haha!

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"i don't really study alchemy. alchemy potions usually don't last long, a day or two give or take, and they're complicated. heck, you could give the potions to the people you didn't plan to and now it's all ruined!

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The Loraine Files - Washington State #1

A gentle touch of the alchemy array etched in mud brought a slight reddish brown glow of light. the mud rippled with vibrations and soon the wet earthen walls began to melt away from the men.

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Love as Thick as Blood

Kaeda-of-the-moon, an argonian hermaphrodite of 14, who was interested in alchemy. and her youngest sister, raeke, a khajiit of 12, a cold-blooded huntress, and worshipper of hircine, daedra of the hunt.

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Two Halves: Fun With Magic Potions

The blue-black femme had taken to alchemy, and spent most of her time in the basement brewing up strange potions. surprisingly she was quite good at it.

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Midnight Secret: Negima Academy - Prologue

History, math, physics, alchemy, botanical, art, outdoor study, chemistry and work craft; all were arranged from day one to day thirty. again, nexos is confused on what day is today and which classes were it.

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Luther-Puris Academy - Intro

alchemy still remained a mystery, as if fate intended the greed of the earth to remain as it was, not allowing it to rape it's lands for more minerals to feed it's lust for money and power.