Family Ties
"as for dr. de natalie," out of nowhere she produced the dataport jack that everstead had taken out, "i presume this is the qubit toggle for the bomb in his head, which as you should know is currently cryonically preserved after separation from his body
Red Twilight the God of Hunger chapter 1-2
"only: cryonics, bionics, cybernetics, gene slicing, genetic research, and robotics." "is that all?" juan shakes his head. dwight holds out the usb drive. "you handle this shit.
To Light the Darkness Phase 4
A reverse snow leopard chakat in a white lab coat that bears the insignia of the cryonics experimentation and exploration group asks me.
Technofox 1
Her face clouded, slightly, and she opened the drinks cooler technofox had made from a cryonic sample store, and took out a small bottle of milk. she cracked the top, licked around the edge, as though trying to come up with something to say.
Respawn (re-post, correct)
One thing i can tell you is, cryonics couldn't keep people alive forever back on earth. they could extend life, until a way to solve a health problem for good could be found, but not forever.
Havem Multiversal Collective
cryonic tools & weapons: a spell that creates weapons or tools made of ice. they are unmeltable, and much stronger than steel. even shields can be created.
The Hand You're Dealt
"Forgetting someone is killing them twice." Fran had kept having a harder and harder time dealing with her best friend's coma alone, while her roommate had kept having a harder and harder time dealing with living in a graveyard full of dead...
Fear Is The Weakness (Act 2) - Down With The Fallen
In some way, it made him glad that he still had these cryonic powers, but it also ached his heart a bit. feeling that pet once again. "you can never fully escape the past. it will always be with you, in your actions or decisions. sometimes both.
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"only: cryonics, bionics, cybernetics, gene slicing, genetic research, and robotics." "is that all?" juan shakes his head. dwight holds out the usb drive. "you handle this shit.
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"only: cryonics, bionics, cybernetics, gene slicing, genetic research, and robotics." "is that all?" juan shakes his head. dwight holds out the usb drive. "you handle this shit.
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"only: cryonics, bionics, cybernetics, gene splicing, genetic research, and robotics." "is that all?" juan shakes his head.
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"only: cryonics, bionics, cybernetics, gene slicing, genetic research, and robotics." "is that all?" juan shakes his head.