Vengeance, Guilt and love, the legacy of a Shinobi chapter 1: The lost pup

Unfortunately no one has the gut to fill that place...they say going to war with the humans is mad...pointless...they say we can't win...ha, we will win, someday somehow, we will repopulate this world and overthrow the humans who are ruining this whole planet

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An'Theros - Awakening (1)

In fact, many make their living out of using their weaker essense, even whole races taking part in a desperate rush to repopulate the world. some saw this as an abomination of the natural order.

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Whoa, What a Tiger Mom!

"i've helped repopulate various big cat species, so i've been proud of that," she said. geno's blush got intenser as he watched her legs attempting to rest on his shoulders.

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The Spyro Wars Chapter 1: Peace Time?

The dragons had begun to retake the realms and some of the castles were already being repopulated. however, the central hub of the populace was around the dragon temple.

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So Few, So Much Fun

"you see, the reason certain species get a discount here is to draw them in, it's true we support the repopulation effort very much, but realized that tail raisers like us don't do that much to help.

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Anthropia: Food Chain and Slavery

Breeding slaves are used to repopulate the slave ranks. they are selected for quality, health, and pedigree.

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A New Life

Together, we would go to our new planet, and we would repopulate the feln race. you would be the father of a whole new generation of feln...and the mother too, if you wished. vance's mind was reeling with the implications.

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The Moonweaver Chronicles 2-3

"we are here to liberate these creatures from their cage and help them repopulate. its their second chance at life, they won't thrive if we leave them here. angus, i am letting you live and not fighting you despite what you've done to my siblings.

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The Z Virus

But almost 100 years after, the us repopulated and grew. with a new government and focused almost only on developing new weapons and medical treatments. now, we need to get ahold of some of those weapons.

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