The training begins

**otto little john © disney** **eryn, wilton, arlen, fleur, nolan lorene, celestine wilder and jake, giselle, haze, gregory are my characters** **written by janus oberoth**

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:29

"so...giselle is a giraffe?" zach asked, quirking an eyebrow as a wide grin crept across his muzzle.

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Nyx Switch Chapter 5: SLEEP TALK

My name is may giselle. i'd like to help you in any way i can, but i'm going to need to know you a bit before i can. would you mind if i asked a few questions?"

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:7

"giselle right? where is she?" zach dug his fangs into the cookie, snapping it in two. dawn could see wade visibly tense up slightly at the mention of the giraffe. "even vern brought out the lil' miss, so what's your excuse?" zach pressed further.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 156

The door to the house opened, and giselle leutzinger -- helika's mom and the st. bernard knight that'd helped him at the airport -- looked out. "agent? how can i help you?" jay was apparently still there, but some spell was hiding him from nathanial.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:4

"where's giselle?" again wade went rigid at the sound of his girlfriends name. the wolf scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he spoke. "i-i- um." he stuttered. "she couldn't make it this time around ma, family emergency." vernon replied.

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